I love my AZ shirts. I especially love the local companies making them. I'm a native Phonecian, so I've always had Arizona pride. Even when I was in college in San Diego, I had an Arizona flag license plate...
For many of us who got our children ages 12 and older vaccinated last year, if it’s been at least 5 months, it is now time to start scheduling their booster shots. After the huge increase in new cases...
The reproductive lifecycle of women is fraught with many transitions that increase the susceptibility to mental and emotional symptoms. From puberty to premenstrual to pregnancy and postpartum to menopausal, these times of hormonal flux are fraught with several well-known...
Hey there, amazing moms of Phoenix!  Are you ready to say goodbye to home maintenance stress and hello to more relaxation time on your weekends? Well, guess what? I've discovered the perfect solution for all your home care needs, thanks...
I really like to walk outside to get my daily exercise but, more often than not, it is too hot, too cold, or too dark to get outside for a walk that is long enough to burn a significant...
Calling all mamas!  We are super excited to partner with Primp and Blow to bring you a fabulous Moms' Night Out!   This event is just in time for Valentine's Day and offers you the chance to get a little...
Admit it: You love Good Night Moon and The Hungry Caterpillar as much as the next mom, but at the end of the day, you secretly long for a few minutes to escape into Little Fires Everywhere or Where...
As a local, mom-run business, there is nothing we are more passionate about than mompreneurs who are eager to make a living on their own terms, while being able to prioritize the needs of their families.  Direct sales and...
I am thankful for friendships, old, new, near and far! As November begins and we are preparing for Thanksgiving, I want to make a conscious effort to set time with my family and share what we are thankful for. Although...
As a new school year begins, so does the scheduling and so do the inevitable school mornings. Getting our lives organized is essential to getting to school on time and with all necessary items. And this my friends is...
We are all excited about Mother's Day here at WVMB! We think that moms are pretty special and deserve to be spoiled (at least) one day a year! Can I get an AMEN?! :) If you are stumped as to...

News Bites for Busy Moms

I hope y'all had a great weekend! I certainly did with the start of Shark Week! The first couple of episodes were amazing! In all, 13 new shows will debut this week. Can't wait! OdySea Aquarium Opening Next Year Lucky for...
One of the biggest surprises to me as a Boy Mom was how often and how expensive haircuts can be for such small amounts of hair! It seems like with my two little guys we are at the hair...
While I was aware of LEGOLAND Discovery Center at Arizona Mills, I never thought about going there because LEGOs weren’t our “thing.” But as it turns out, when a boy turns four, LEGOs are THE toy to have. Slowly...
My son loves to play video games and for years I fought him on this. I was convinced that gaming would make him an antisocial zombie who would hide in his room and that school, friends, family, and life...
Every year I write a letter to my daughter on her birthday. What follows is an excerpt from the most recent letter, written for her sixth birthday. Wow, six years old. My little baby is six years old. To be clear, that...

DIY Play Make-Up

Today, I'm going to share a really simple, really quick DIY project that you can give to little girls (or boys) in your life. Most kids like to replicate what they see their parents doing, and watching someone put...
The Hubbs and I get one date night a month. So I was thrilled when the opportunity to see an advanced screening of The Art of Racing in the Rain fell on date night this month. Grandma was already...
In 2020, technology has only become more prevalent with the switch to online learning. New high-tech gaming systems like the PlayStation 5 entice bored kids and frustrated parents who’ll do anything to keep them entertained. Now, with in-person classes...
The holiday season has begun! The hustle and bustle of traditions, traveling, gift giving and food preparation makes this season seem like a blur. However, one thing I slow down and focus on during the season is teaching my...
  We are so excited to be teaming up with Sara Borghaus of the Lemon Droppers and offering a Young Living Essential Oils giveaway!!! Have you used these amazing all natural oils before?  They are a life changer!  Young Living produces...
One of the first big milestones in a baby's life is getting to try real food.  As a parent, there are a few options to consider with baby food, with the main one being:  Do you buy or make...
I do not have a guest room, and I do not stay in guest rooms. This is bound to cause controversy and I’m assuming it may also bring out my fellow closeted non-guest room loving comrades, as well. Yes, you read...
Do you ever get that feeling that you want to hide for a few hours and not be found? You know, when your nerves are at your breaking point and burrowing in your closet sounds like a good idea...
Dear Postpartum Mom, I see you. You are beautiful. I know it’s hard to step on the scale. You may not like the number staring back at you. You may fixate on it. You may shed a few tears over it....

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

Leap Day Deals & Specials

Spring Training Dining Deals

Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide

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