Summertime Blues: How To Cope
We live in an odd climate here in Phoenix. It's hot, really hot, for a very long time! How does that affect you? Your body? Your mood? Your thoughts? I think most people think...
Thoughtful Acts For Loved Ones Going Through Medical Struggles
Up until 3 years ago, our small family had taken very few trips to the doctors, let alone the hospital. When our second daughter was born, all that changed. She has had 15 laser surgeries in...
Spring Cleaning For Your Well Being
A few times a year I get the urge to "clean up" of my everyday routines. Maybe it's because I get bored, or feel like my skin/body/hair routine needs a little oomph. Maybe it's...
STYLE: Lovely lashes
I've mentioned before that I'm not a huge makeup person...Now, let me clarify. I don't have a ton of makeup. I don't wear a ton of makeup. But, I do have several FAVORITE items...
DIY: Homemade Candles
Every year we try and think of a thoughtful, yet inexpensive gift to get all the people in our lives like teachers, dance instructors, neighbors, and friends. The list is usually long, so we've...
STYLE: Fall Lip Color
I'm honestly not a huge makeup person, but recently I have become a fan of adding and changing my lipstick or gloss. A pop of color on the lips can really change your look,...
Foodie Friday: Sausage, Kale, and Potato Soup
Can you believe that fall is here?! I mean, let's be honest, I'm writing this with rain falling down and a current temperature of 72. That's some serious "fall" for Phoenix given the last...
Homemade Deodorant: A Natural Way to Stay Fresh!
I began my transition to “homemade life” several years back, but it’s taken me quite awhile to attempt the deodorant. I switched to all natural deodorant years ago, but was never satisfied. I tried...
Moms’ Night Out – Bubbles & Sweets
Need an evening away? If you're like me, you sure do. It's a busy season of life with little ones needing you day and night. Not to mention end of school year activities, concerts,...
Loving the Skin You’re In {Part 3} – Winter Woes
Red Noses, Dry Skin, Chapped Lips Oh my!
Here in Phoenix, we don't get the blustery winters that many places around our country do, but man does it get dry in the winters, especially for...
Soup Night Wednesday
It's Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, and whether or not you are hosting for the big meal tomorrow, chances are you don't feel like cooking (and cleaning up) an entire meal for dinner.
We have...
Loving the Skin You’re In {Part 2}
Last month we started this series on caring for ourselves as moms; body and soul. You can read the first post here in case you missed it. Today we will be talking about our...
Loving the Skin You’re In {Part 1}
Starting this month we’ll begin a series titled “Loving the Skin You’re In.” We will be talking all things related to self-care; emotionally, physically, and mentally. As moms, there is very little “me time”...
$100 gift card to The Shops at Norterra {giveaway}
Remember how Krystle told you about the event happening next week at The Shops at Norterra:
You can get so much of your holiday shopping done during the fall festival with all the fun vendors...
Fall Gardening Anyone? {Trying My Green Thumb}
So, I guess fall is coming. You could have fooled me, but according to the calendar, October is just around the corner, and hopefully temps will be dropping soon. I really need this to...
Start a Local Moms Blog in Your City
West Valley Moms Blog launch in May of 2012. How did our passion and dream for West Valley Moms Blog turn into what it is today? Keep reading, to learn more about the network...
Threatening as a new method of parenting ???
"Stop screaming in the car, or I will pull this car over."
"If you don't stop crying, we will leave right now."
"If you don't stop doing that, you won't get dessert."
So, I feel like I...
Follow us on Pinterest
Do you follow us on Pinterest? We have all sorts of fun ideas pinned; from kid's activities, to DIY home ideas, to recipes, to fashion. Come follow along.
Click here to find out Pinterest page.
The Need For Quiet Space
My three year old came out of the womb not wanting to be alone EVER. She wanted to be carried as an infant in my arms (wraps and carriers were not her cup of...
Office Candy {Review & Giveaway}
I love anything cute that helps me be more organized. Well, this company - Office Candy - is right up that alley. Did you click on the link…don't they have cute, super functional stuff?...
DIY Play Make-Up
Today, I'm going to share a really simple, really quick DIY project that you can give to little girls (or boys) in your life. Most kids like to replicate what they see their parents...
Applebee’s Jazzed Up Flavors of Bourbon Street {Review & Giveaway}
Today, we have a few things to offer you...
We'll be talking about Applebee's Jazzed Up Flavors of Bourbon Street menu, giving you some great tips from Applebee's chef Patrick for your summer shrimp cooking,...
Pickle Peas {Review & Giveaway)
Have you heard of the adorable organic baby clothing line, Pickle Peas? They're an innovative company that has thought of a cute way to make a bib part of your outfit in cute and fun...
Buddy Fruits {Review & Giveaway}
I have to admit, that we don't buy baby food. With both of our girls we have decided to just feed our babies what we eat (appropriate to their chewing and swallowing abilities). So,...
National Day of Unplugging – March 1st and 2nd
Today and tomorrow are National Day(s) of unplugging. We hope you will join us in attempting to set down your computers, phones, ipads, notebooks, and TV remotes is attempting to unplug. It's only two...