It is the season of life for me where a lot of my friends are getting pregnant and having babies. During the last few months two of my friends, days apart in their due date, were expecting little boys...
I have been pregnant 5 times now, and two of those pregnancies have given me my two beautiful boys. I have also had a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago,...
Sweet Baby,
While everyone else seems to be using this month to jump into resolutions and add more hustle to their schedules, I find myself slowing down and anticipating the pause and change that your birth will bring to our...
Last month's topic of matresence, the transition to motherhood that women experience upon having a child, leads nicely into the topic of postpartum health and wellness, another area that is often ignored in medicine. Even without much planning, the...
Having a baby is a really beautiful journey. From hearing the heartbeat for the first time to finally holding your beautiful baby after nine long months, it's magical. But then, the baby is born and we begin the postpartum recovery period....
Our culture has terms for the beginning (pubescence) and the end (menopause) of a woman's reproductive life, but the transition to motherhood, matrescence, has been largely ignored. The anthropologist Dana Raphael first coined this term in the 70's and...
No matter if it’s your first baby, or fourth, taking care of a new baby is difficult. Exhaustion, mom guilt, older siblings, and daily responsibilities tend to monopolize a new mom’s attention, putting her postpartum care on the back...
Pregnant and wondering if it's safe to use self-tanning products? This guide will address if self-tanners are safe enough for pregnant women, what to look for when shopping for self-tanner, and a list of some of the best self-tanners...
Have you thought about hiring a nanny but aren’t quite sure where to start? Hesitant to pay a hefty agency placement fee but find yourself avoiding too? Have you hired a nanny before and it just didn’t work...
A letter to my surprise baby,
I remember when your daddy and I first started talking about having kids. We were so young, hopeful and naive. We didn’t know about pregnancy complications, congenital defects, infertility and infant loss. And slowly...
Sprinkles are a growing fad these days. A sprinkle is a light version of a baby shower for moms who have already had their first child. The mere mention of a sprinkle gets a lot of people eye rolling...
Our biggest event of the year, Bloom {an event especially for new and expecting moms} is this week! We would really love for you to join us on Sunday.
We are excited to present a filled event with over 30...
There is a lot that goes through a pregnant woman's mind...well, at least in my experience as a pregnant woman. Do I have everything I need for these little humans that are about to become a part of this...
When my husband and I found out we were expecting a baby, our first conversation revolved around the possibility of me staying home, meaning we would be living as a single income family. We didn’t come to a conclusion...
Are you planning or preparing for a new baby to join your family soon? Did you know it’s never too early to start participating in North Phoenix Mom’s Blog Events? As an expecting first time mom I was on...
Being a parent is the most rewarding job there is. I am sure that isn’t the first time you have heard that statement. You never truly know how profound it is until you don’t have your parents anymore.
In a...
Having a new baby is such an exciting time. I remember spending hours dreaming about finally holding my baby after 9 months of pregnancy. I probably spent just as much time researching exactly what I would need once my...
I never thought I would be a parent who reads parenting books. They obviously never appealed to me before I was a parent, and now I’m dropping them in my Amazon cart like they are cookbooks or kitchen tools.
My son was born prematurely back in September 2015. At 32 weeks, I had just finished taking my maternity pictures and the next day my water broke. I checked into the hospital immediately for further testing. Turns out, the...
I'm normally one to sit down and reflect and try to find connections and go 'deep' when I write. Maybe it's the change in seasons as we head into spring, or the seriousness that surrounds us everywhere else in...
We are thrilled to share all the amazing details for
Bloom :: An Event For New and Expecting Moms!
Bloom :: An Event for New and Expecting Moms is presented by North Phoenix Moms Blog, barre3 Paradise Valley + North Scottsdale and City...
My husband and I have been together for eight years this year. We will have been married for four. He's been my best friend since we met on that blind date. 17 years old and I was head over...
Please don’t panic! It’s just word play, mostly. I am purely here to educate, and hopefully encourage. See, I had expectations about nursing. We all do, expectations are women’s expertise. I saw myself snuggling that sweet baby, feeding those...
With a two year old and a seven month old I’d say I’ve experienced enough pregnancy for a lifetime. I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas pregnant two years in a row ... something I probably wouldn’t wish on anyone, and...
This past April our youngest son was born, and while there are only 3.5 years between him and our older son, I could not believe the changes that had happened in baby items over that period of time! Preparing...