From the moment I learned that we were having a baby girl, I knew she was going to have a lot of hair and I was going to have some serious fun with it. As a kid, I taught...
The Yoga Hangout Yoga. I'm already rocking the pants on a regular basis, so might as well actually take a class, right? Okay, I have done yoga in the past but it's been a while. It can be tricky to fit...
Sometimes, life just plain sucks.  Babies get sick, husbands get the man flu, and mommy has to take care of all the things.  Jobs don’t go as planned or hoped, and worst of all, everything seems to happen all...
Hi West Valley Moms! It's time for an update of West Valley Moms on Instagram! We missed our Instagram post last month, this season can be crazy, right?! It's top on our list to take a step back and...
I’m sure by now all of our readers have heard about the devastation in the Philippines. It is truly heartbreaking. On Friday, November 8th, Typhoon Haiyan slammed into the country’s central islands. The Category 5 “super typhoon” wiped out...
The Super Bowl is just around the corner and I'm so excited to be hosting a Super Bowl Party... said me, never. I think there are only three things I hate in life (in no order of importance): war famine...
Take a breath from school supply organizing because rise-and-shine meal help is on the way! Keep reading for my top three back-to-school breakfast ideas that your little ones (and not so little ones) will love. Along with the obvious excitement...
This month we share our family stories. Every family has many of them; I am going to share a few of our family's in three vignettes. Act One- My mother-in-law, Roswitha ("Rosie") was born and grew up a few miles away...
Family photos and I have a love/ hate relationship. I love getting the family all dressed up, I love having pictures to hang on my wall, and I love creating lasting memories. What do I hate about them? Getting...
Good Monday morning! I hope you had a wonderful long holiday weekend with your families. I know I did. The weather was awesome! In fact, it was so nice on Saturday morning that I went hiking with my sister...
Sharing is caring!   For me, microschool is a relatively new term. I began hearing the term as schools went online last year. I’ve watched friends choose this pod-style of learning and love it. Their children are thriving, and parents have...
Two weeks on the road is not a normal classroom, but then again, 2020 is not a normal year. Two girls, my mom, a dog and I packed up into a Dodge Caravan and headed northeast. Road trip classroom...
Thanks to Netflix, people are spring cleaning in January. I am going to throw it on out there: I can’t watch Tidying Up. I just can’t do it. Don’t get me wrong, I tried. I wanted to jump on the...
Summer is here!  Blistering hot summer… which means days of holing up inside, trying to keep kids entertained in ways that do not involve screens, and find ways to use up some energy when it’s just too roasting hot...
Covid has really increased the time we spend in our house. Being constantly in the house with a baby and a four year old has been rough. My house was getting messy more often and I was struggling to...
This summer, I was sitting at my son's baseball practice and I heard the coach call for one of the players to hustle out onto the field. He was tying his shoe and looking for his hat when I...
I was recently dumped by a friend of five years. It was heartbreaking, and I honestly am still grieving a little. As my mind was processing this I also realized that I sounded and felt an awful lot as...
"in summer!" So I might be a tad crazy, but maybe not? I am leaning towards not ... I'm always on the hunt for a good deal so that means I start shopping for summer clothes right after Christmas! Let's be real....
In 2020, technology has only become more prevalent with the switch to online learning. New high-tech gaming systems like the PlayStation 5 entice bored kids and frustrated parents who’ll do anything to keep them entertained. Now, with in-person classes...
The holidays are here!  I haven't met one person who doesn't love this magical time of year.  The seasonal food, the decorations, the parties, the music, the shopping, you name it; it is magical.  I love decorating my house...
Over the weekend we took a trip to the Children's Museum of Phoenix for a friend's first birthday party and lucky for us, had time to explore the museum after the festivities were over.  {PS: If you need a...
If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent many hours daydreaming about space travel; maybe you’ve even considered home décor for retirement on Mars. So, when I heard of an opportunity to watch the Orion parachute tests, I knew I...
Bring up the word homeschool and you’ll get two completely different responses: one gets it and other doesn’t. One says encouraging words and other might recommend you not do it. I’ve been wanting to homeschool my children for a few years...
With summer right around the corner, I have rounded up a few of our favorite indoor activities we enjoy doing while we brave the 100+ temperatures. I am not going to lie, I think summer in Arizona with kids is...
There are hundreds of blog posts out there that tell you all the things you need if you are having a baby- especially for those crazy newborn days. Registry sites will bombard you with crazy long lists of things...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

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