Why I Really Want To Homeschool


Bring up the word homeschool and you’ll get two completely different responses: one gets it and other doesn’t. One says encouraging words and other might recommend you not do it.


I’ve been wanting to homeschool my children for a few years now and here’s why:

I want to build the core of our family strong. I want to mold as much as I can during these young years so that I can be more confident in the kids that I raised. I want to be the sounding board for my kids’ questions and interests. I want freedom for my kids to learn, grow, and explore. I want more than mere minutes of time to converse with my kid each day. I want to do life with them right now. They will have many more years to be away from me, but this is when it counts.

Our routine is probably fairly normal to others’. I force my kids out of bed, although sometimes they willingly get out. We eat breakfast, get dressed, and hopefully, I’ve only had to raise my voice once for them to hustle. We jump in the car and take our 15-20 min drive to school. My 3-year-old gets picked up at 12:30 but my kindergartener doesn’t get picked up until 3:40. Well, the class lets out at 3:40. By the time she gets to the back gate and I get her from the pickup line it’s about 3:50. We don’t arrive home until 4:10-4:15 and then it’s all about putting school stuff away and I start making dinner. We eat at 5pm (hopefully) and are in bed by 7. 

As you can see, my best option for conversation is at the dinner table. That can go either way. Some nights it’s great and everyone takes turns but there are those other nights where everyone is extra tired or grumpy after a long day and we don’t get to have great conversation. On a good night they get about 20 min with dad to play, since he leaves before they wake in the morning, and then we start the bedtime routine. 

This is not my dream. This is not what I want. This is not what I signed up for. 

My 3-year-old and I still get some good time in because he’s only in 1/2 day school. But my daughter and I don’t get much time and it leaves me a little empty at the end of the day feeling like I’m only here to feed her and get her where she needs to be. I saw that as my job come the teen years after I was able to help train their hearts. 

I must be more intentional to get in some conversation while I make dinner but that can be hard because she just wants to unwind for a bit and goes and has her alone time usually (pretty sure she’s an introvert who needs downtime after being around others all day). So I also try to be more intentional by having kid dates and special outings on the weekends where we can community and connect. 

Any of you mamas out there struggle with feeling like there’s not enough time with your kids? Any mamas out there who switched to homeschooling? 


  1. Homeschooling is an amazing option. It is our 13th year and has been an amazing blessing. I have built great relationships with my kids, they have great relationships with each other, and they are able to excel academically. You will not regret going down this path!

  2. I homeschool for all the reasons you describe. The way education is structured these days, parents send children away for most of the day to be raised and informed by strangers (in most cases) and the other children around them, and the little time left with their families is typically encroached upon by the schedule imposed by what needs to be accomplished for school.

    Homeschooling IS tough, but it’s just a different set of struggles, and in my opinion, the rewards FAR outweigh the challenges of having the kids at home with me almost all the time. The relationships we have a different than they were – more connected, more enjoyable, more trusting.

    I know homeschooling is not for everyone, and public schools serve a critical and valuable purpose in our society that I’m grateful for, but as for myself I wouldn’t give up what I’ve got going with my children for anything.


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