The Best Mother’s Day Brunch in Phoenix
Mother’s Day is quickly approaching. Perfect time for us mamas get out and enjoy some amazing eats that we didn’t have to prepare, or clean up after. Let’s take that hair down, slap some...
Top 5 Ways I Balance My Roles
We all know how hard it can be to lose yourself in the crazy season of life that is early motherhood. Overnight, quite literally, I went from an independent adult(ish) lady who could mostly...
Walking in My Mom Shoes … All 5 Pairs
Most of us had our day where the shoes we wore were not necessarily the most comfortable. But, damn, they looked good. Who cares if they caused all the blisters and never mind if...
No Spend January
With the Holidays behind us, the new year brings a perfect time for a change in behaviors that may not be serving me or my happiness. This year, it means taking a long hard...
5 Ways to a Better Morning
As moms, we all have THOSE mornings. You know the ones where you can’t seem to keep up. Kids are hungry, husband is on his way out the door, and you are left to...
Thanks Universe! How an Old Journal Saved Me
I always knew that I wanted to be a mom, but I honestly don’t think I knew just how challenging it would be. Let’s start with a disclaimer: I have two little boys,...
2019 Guide to the Best Pumpkin Patches in Arizona
It’s that time of year again friends! The weather is cooling down(ish) and fall is upon us. Time to pack up the fam and get all those fabulous insta pics posted. More importantly it’s...
Summer Meal Prep Cooking
Summer time cooking in Phoenix is tricky. It's hot, like really hot, and the idea of even turning on the oven literally makes me want to just eat cold cereal until September. Lately, I...
Easy Summer Entertaining
With summer now in mostly full swing, it creates the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends and family. When you have little kids, it can be so easy to get caught up in...
Terrible Twos? No. Horrendous Threes? Yes!
Dear Three Year Old,
I am not sure what you did with my sweet child, but I want him back! I know your brain is growing and you are trying to figure things out, but...
How to Rock Your Long-Distance Friendships
Long distance relationships do not work. You gave it the ol’ college try, but you should just break up. We have all heard it, but what happens when said long distance relationship is with...
My Top Ten Wishes for My Kids
As a parent, I wish for nothing more than my children to never have to go through anything trying or challenging. I naturally want them to have more than I have, I don’t want...
Self-Care: We Need It
the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.
the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.
Self-care is...
No Spend January Was a Success {Follow up}
If you followed along with my post last month, you know that I embarked on a “no spend” January. Let me tell you, I ended up getting a lot more out of it than...
Winter Chili
With cold (ish) weather upon us, my taste bud all of a sudden go from wanting all the lightly dressed vegetables to all the warm comforting soups and stews. Chili is a staple in...
Response to “Boys will be Boys”
Dear Man that told me “boys will be boys”,
I get it, kids do things that embarrass us. I am not blaming you for your son jumping on top of mine in an effort to...
Learning to be Proud of my Body {and the accounts that helped}
The other day, a girl that I don’t know very well asked me if I was pregnant….I am not. {insert eyeroll here} I sarcastically replied, “No. But thank you.” Knowing her, even the little...
2018 Guide to the Best Pumpkin Patches in Arizona
It’s that time of year again friends! The weather is cooling down(ish) and fall is upon us. Time to pack up the fam and get all those fabulous insta pics posted. More importantly it’s...
Breakfast Just for Mom
Like most households, mornings are busy for us. We are rushing to get the kids fed and ready for their designated locations for the day—school, daycare, playdate, etc. Mornings that are filled with debates...
Things to do in Phoenix this Month
Summer is well underway and it’s that time, once again, to read all of the latest and greatest thing to do in Phoenix to keep kiddos and parents entertained. Let’s have some fun!
When Life Just Kicks You When You’re Down
Sometimes, life just plain sucks. Babies get sick, husbands get the man flu, and mommy has to take care of all the things. Jobs don’t go as planned or hoped, and worst of all,...
A Letter to Me :: What I Wish I Knew at 22 Years Old
We all have those moments, when we see a picture of ourselves from years past and are transformed to a different time. For me, it is a time, before kiddos, when I could have...
When You Forget to Talk About the Beauty in Bottle Feeding
My husband and I recently (somewhat recently) took a much needed get away to Seattle, sans children. Thank goodness for helpful grandparents. While there I was able to reconnect with a girlfriend that I...
A New Kind of New Year’s Resolutions
With the New Year upon us, we all have a chance to reset. Drop the woes of the past year and start fresh. It brings a time of New Year's Resolutions. For me, always...