A Fun-Filled Adventure at the Children’s Museum


Over the weekend we took a trip to the Children’s Museum of Phoenix for a friend’s first birthday party and lucky for us, had time to explore the museum after the festivities were over.  {PS: If you need a one-stop-shop for a children’s birthday, look no further, because the Children’s Museum handles it all: pizza, cupcake decorating, goody bags, crafts for the kids … it’s a parents dream if you don’t want to spend hours planning for a birthday.}  My little man is almost 18 months old, and while we’ve visited the museum in the past, this was certainly the first time he’s really been able to jump in (independently) and participate in a large number of the play areas.  He would have stayed all afternoon!

childrens-museumSome highlights, in terms of the areas my son enjoyed most (in case any of you with similar aged children are needing some pointers) were:

  • The chutes located near the play kitchen were a big hit!  He was able to observe the cause and effect and watch the ball travel through the various channels over and over again.  The repetition is great for brain development.
  • The car area with the ramps were probably his favorite!  He’s reached an age now where he’s not only able to climb, but loves to, so getting to the top of the structure where he could let the car fly down the track was certainly something he seemed to love.
  • The “plinko board.”  Yes, I realize this isn’t the name for it, but I couldn’t help but reminisce over countless episodes of watching The Price is Right with my grandma as my son figured out how to navigate this new found treasure.

childrens-museum-2Tips for those of you venturing to the Children’s Museum of Phoenix:

  • Start at the top and work your way down: there are various developmental areas for all ages, but if you start at the top and work backwards, you’re setting yourself up for success when it is actually time to leave, as you’re a whole lot closer to the exit!
  • Don’t try to do it all: pick a handful of exhibits and engagements for the day and allow your kid(s) the time to spend awhile at each one.  This minimizes the need to race through the museum, and offers a more authentic opportunity for play.
  • Take a few pictures and/or videos, but try and delve in too.  Outings can be a lot, but hopefully you can find some time to just soak up the opportunity to play with your child.

Click HERE to get up to 50% off your next visit!


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