Ahh, midwinter.  Finding the natural remedies and rhythm of this season can help us to thrive as mothers and families. Even in Phoenix, the coolness has permeated the air.  The reaction to the cold comes as quite a shock to...
I'm not a dieter and I'm not really into resolutions. I just don't feel like I can ever make either work for me.   So, here are a couple of my tips, that I try to practice, for eating better all...

25 Days of Self Care

With the holiday season in the rearview mirror, and the world in the state that it's in, stress seems to still be lingering, and even compounding. We understand that real problems require real answers, and that a spa day...
Do you have any recommendations for preschools or daycares I should consider? Where are the best mommy and me classes in town? I'm throwing a birthday party and want referrals on rentals, bakeries, and entertainment! What are the best family-friendly restaurants in...
Pregnant and wondering if it's safe to use self-tanning products? This guide will address if self-tanners are safe enough for pregnant women, what to look for when shopping for self-tanner, and a list of some of the best self-tanners...
Thank you to our campaign sponsors at We Can Do This for supporting Phoenix Moms and the safety of our families. This content was paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. To find a COVID-19...
Summertime in Phoenix is not my favorite. Every year I tell myself that summer isn't so bad, and then every year I complain all summer long. Now that I have little kids, I hate the desert heat even more....
At this point, you have probably seen an adorable baby wearing a white helmet when you have been out and about. This helpful helmet is called a DOC Band, and my 6 month old little guy is currently sporting...
Healthy habits have always been part of my life but lately they had been overlooked and, quite frankly, ignored for the last year or so. Leading up to being forty really got me into thinking that I need to welcome healthy...
So, you're here. Reading this blurb about addiction and recovery and the 1000 foot view. Addiction in the 21st. Addiction in the time of a pandemic. Addiction as a mother/wife/friend/woman. I will give you a short brief about who...
I’m well aware of the changes my body has gone through after having three kids, yet I’m always surprised by the way I look in pictures or when I catch a glimpse of my reflection.  Who is that heavier...
"Middle School Can Be A Wild Ride" A couple of years ago, one of my son's elementary school teachers summarized perfectly the tween years.  My son was approaching 6th grade and I asked for her thoughts.  She said, "Be prepared....
Are you done hearing the term “self-care” because you are doing all the “things” but not really feeling any better? You choked down the green juice in the morning, downloaded your favorite meditation app, and scheduled your exercise. And...
Pilates for Moms Carving out time for a fitness program only gets more challenging when you have little ones in tow. With someone else’s needs always at the forefront of your attention, it can be tempting to blow off your...
Let's talk about sex. There are several times over the course of a woman’s life when changes in sexual interest and enjoyment can be compromised. The causes for these changes are often multifactorial. Hormone changes with the menstrual cycle, during...

Girl, Wash Your Sheets

I was recently sucked into a Self Magazine article, Here’s How Often You Should Really Be Washing Your Sheets. On one hand I was very curious, but on the other I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to know...
Oooh girl. It’s not like I feel super sexy most of the time as a mom, but I definitely didn’t feel super sexy sitting in the podiatrist’s office last week, watching as he examined my bunions. After a mere...
This post was sponsored by Hypoxi, however all observations and opinions are my own. I recently had the opportunity to try out HYPOXI, a low impact exercise method to help burn stubborn fat. This was my first time experiencing this unique form...
watered and waited

I Watered and Waited

Something deep in my spirit can relate to this plant. Over the 4th of July holiday we took our usual trip to visit my mom and stepdad. We would be gone 4 days, and was I worried about the plants....
I really like to walk outside to get my daily exercise but, more often than not, it is too hot, too cold, or too dark to get outside for a walk that is long enough to burn a significant...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

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