Back when I was a full-blown perfectionist, the idea of not having a New Year's Resolution fully formed by the very beginning of the year would have given me a minor panic attack. I wanted it all figured out...
When it comes to keeping your teeth healthy, it’s likely that you’ve had the basics drilled into your head from a young age: Brush twice a day, floss regularly and make twice yearly appointments to see your dentist. But...
The weather is about to cool down! Yay! This is the time of year we live for in Phoenix and makes the summers worth the heat. One of our favorite things to do when the weather is nice is...
When you’re running around all morning, getting the kids ready for school, and trying to get yourself going as well, what’s your morning fuel? Smoothies are a great meal-on-the-go for kids and moms. Today we are sharing two nutritious...
With the holiday season in the rearview mirror, and the world in the state that it's in, stress seems to still be lingering, and even compounding. We understand that real problems require real answers, and that a spa day...
Oooh girl. It’s not like I feel super sexy most of the time as a mom, but I definitely didn’t feel super sexy sitting in the podiatrist’s office last week, watching as he examined my bunions. After a mere...
This may sound a bit simplified, but getting a workout in is how I remain a sane and happy mom. Anybody else with me on that? The mixture of endorphins, plus sweating out all my worries, gives me patience and keeps me...
This idea of wholeness had been percolating for me in 2019. As we make our way deeper into 2020, I find that in order to act and reach goals from a place of wholeness, I must first clear the...
Being a native of this state it's hard to imagine winter any other way. Growing up in Flagstaff for a short while I did get to experience shoveling snow, trick or treating in the snow, and snow days. But since...
Gyms are promoted as being great places to work out, get fit, and stay healthy. And of course, they are. Most gyms these days are loaded to the brim with all kinds of exercise equipment. From stair-climbers to free...
As moms, in any stage of life, chances are we aren't in the best habit of making time for ourselves. Some of us are better at this than others, but we would venture to guess that more often than...
I'm back, with another way for families to have fun and give back to their communities!
Foam Glow 5K is a nighttime fun run that all ages can enjoy. Dressed in everything from a t-shirt and shorts to neon tutus...
Join us!
Saturday, May 9th at 10:00am
For a Mommy and Me class at our favorite Barre Studio – Barre3 Scottsdale.
Ages 5-14 are welcome. Class will be 30 minutes long with a fun and kid-friendly playlist.
Light refreshments in the lobby...
As a yoga instructor and someone who is pretty into health and fitness, I feel a bit ashamed to say that I have never included meditation in my wellness routine. The recent studies on the benefits of meditation are...
In grade school, all of my friends' birthdays seemed to land in October and November. My birthday is November 5th, so I had to be careful to try and plan my birthday party on a weekend with no other...
As we head back into the routines of Fall and especially for those of us with school aged littles, well, it's necessary to mix. it. up. So I've created two epic playlists for the mamas out there! One is...
Last month's topic of matresence, the transition to motherhood that women experience upon having a child, leads nicely into the topic of postpartum health and wellness, another area that is often ignored in medicine. Even without much planning, the...
Keeping your skin hydrated during the summer doesn’t have to be a lot of work. Once the 90-degree (plus) temperatures hit, staying consistent is key to avoiding dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles and a dull complexion. There are...
Summertime in Phoenix is not my favorite. Every year I tell myself that summer isn't so bad, and then every year I complain all summer long. Now that I have little kids, I hate the desert heat even more....
As a chronic dieter and disordered eating recoverer, I know well how body weight and the scale can severely mess up your self-image. I used to step on that devilish little black box every single morning without fail to...
If you’re a first-time parent or are new to the Phoenix area, it can be challenging to find the right pediatric providers for your children. The process can also leave you with so many questions, especially when you begin...
I can remember the last time I exercised regularly and had a solid fitness routine… it was about eight years ago (pre-kids.) Once the third baby came (not to mention the extra pounds from three pregnancies) I decided it...
One thing you should know about me is, I used to be fat. I don't mean "girl fat" when you are a few pounds over the national recommendations. I mean morbidly obese. I stopped weighing myself in high school,...
Oftentimes, we reach the holidays in a reflective mood: What went right or wrong this past year? What can we change for the better in the new year? Sometimes we reach December with lots of goals for January, and...
Maybe you are like most of us that make New Year's resolutions or goals and then by the time March hits, maybe even sooner, they have been forgotten. I know I super indulged over spring break with our eating...