Fitwall is open in North Scottsdale, and trust me, you want to get in there! Last week, a few members of the North Phoenix Moms Blog team were fortunate enough to be treated to a private class. We were...
You Can Workout! Here's How ...
I have a dream that tomorrow I will wake up at 5am, throw on some workout clothes, put my hair up, and run out the door for an hour long workout. Then I actually...
This may sound a bit simplified, but getting a workout in is how I remain a sane and happy mom. Anybody else with me on that? The mixture of endorphins, plus sweating out all my worries, gives me patience and keeps me...
Do you have any recommendations for preschools or daycares I should consider?
Where are the best mommy and me classes in town?
I'm throwing a birthday party and want referrals on rentals, bakeries, and entertainment!
What are the best family-friendly restaurants in...
I’m well aware of the changes my body has gone through after having three kids, yet I’m always surprised by the way I look in pictures or when I catch a glimpse of my reflection. Who is that heavier...
This post was sponsored by Hypoxi, however all observations and opinions are my own.
I recently had the opportunity to try out HYPOXI, a low impact exercise method to help burn stubborn fat. This was my first time experiencing this unique form...
The North Phoenix Moms Blog Family Directory is LIVE and we are so excited to share it with you! We are thrilled to be able to connect YOU, our readers, with incredible businesses in various areas that we regularly...
When you’re running around all morning, getting the kids ready for school, and trying to get yourself going as well, what’s your morning fuel? Smoothies are a great meal-on-the-go for kids and moms. Today we are sharing two nutritious...
New Baby, New Body
All you have to do is type #postpartum or #postpartumbody and be prepared for the onslaught of images of the remarkable weight loss body comparison pictures. It leaves me to wonder, are all of these images...
There is crispness in the air as I step out of my car on a sunny fall day in Arizona. I lace up my dirty hiking boots, throw on my CamelBak, and put my ear buds in. I tuck...
In grade school, all of my friends' birthdays seemed to land in October and November. My birthday is November 5th, so I had to be careful to try and plan my birthday party on a weekend with no other...
After the long, hot, seemingly endless summer, it is finally our chance to get some outdoor fitness in. With holiday season upon us, it may be hard to squeeze it all in, but let's not forget to prioritize ourselves...
Being a native of this state it's hard to imagine winter any other way. Growing up in Flagstaff for a short while I did get to experience shoveling snow, trick or treating in the snow, and snow days. But since...
If you’re like me, the official start to summer in Phoenix begins when temperatures are topping out in the triple digits throughout the week... well before the rest of the country. As the mom to a newborn, I have...
Summertime in Phoenix is not my favorite. Every year I tell myself that summer isn't so bad, and then every year I complain all summer long. Now that I have little kids, I hate the desert heat even more....
Pilates for Moms
Carving out time for a fitness program only gets more challenging when you have little ones in tow. With someone else’s needs always at the forefront of your attention, it can be tempting to blow off your...
As a yoga instructor and someone who is pretty into health and fitness, I feel a bit ashamed to say that I have never included meditation in my wellness routine. The recent studies on the benefits of meditation are...
Well, it has happened. We’ve crossed into the horrifying 110+ degree weather. And let’s be real if you want to be an active mama that probably means things have to change in order for you to keep your workout...
I was thrilled when I found out I was pregnant with my son – thrilled – and absolutely petrified. I was so terrified that I would do something wrong that I sat on my seat for the first trimester....
School is back in full force and kids are bouncing off the walls, literally. I'm running out of time in a day to accomplish tasks while on mom duty. My kids are smart, but bored if I'm not entertaining...
Having a baby is a really beautiful journey. From hearing the heartbeat for the first time to finally holding your beautiful baby after nine long months, it's magical. But then, the baby is born and we begin the postpartum recovery period....
As moms, in any stage of life, chances are we aren't in the best habit of making time for ourselves. Some of us are better at this than others, but we would venture to guess that more often than...
Summer is well underway and it’s that time, once again, to read all of the latest and greatest thing to do in Phoenix to keep kiddos and parents entertained. Let’s have some fun!
Jaw-some July: Sharks Invade Odysea Aquarium
As we head back into the routines of Fall and especially for those of us with school aged littles, well, it's necessary to mix. it. up. So I've created two epic playlists for the mamas out there! One is...
I'm not a dieter and I'm not really into resolutions. I just don't feel like I can ever make either work for me.
So, here are a couple of my tips, that I try to practice, for eating better all...