Hey there, fellow moms! Today, let's chat about something that might seem a bit daunting but is actually totally doable: getting a passport for your little ones (or yourself!) right here in Arizona. As a busy mom, I know...
Holiday toy drives are the perfect way to involve your children in giving this season! There are so many wonderful conversations that can happen as you shop for a toy drive.  Through this simple yet meaningful gesture, a child can...
Phoenix Moms brings you our annual Kids Holiday Gift Guide, featuring products that will be the perfect gift for the kiddos on your list this holiday season! Our community of writers are sharing tried and true toys that continue to...
As we quickly approach the end of the year, there will hopefully be a few moments amongst the chaos to quietly sit and reflect on 2024. Whether it was the best year of your life, the worst, or somewhere...
When my son first picked up a football he found in our yard, I thought, Oh, how cute! A little backyard hobby. Little did I know this ball would consume our lives, invade my weekends, and turn me into...
  Ah, the glory days of happy hour—when I could sip cocktails, laugh with friends, and somehow still make it to closing time. Fast forward a few (more than a few) years, and now my “late-night adventures” involve opening the...
Snow Week at the AZ Science Center: The Arizona Science Center has once again crafted a magical experience for visitors! They created a space for wonderment and imagination and found a way to bring the cold and snow...
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. This annual observance reminds families of the importance of good oral health, specifically for children. Establishing healthy attitudes toward dental care and routines is as important as any other life skill, as...
When I was young, I was the world's worst eater. Seriously. Think having a Pepsi a few times a day (being 6 years old!), endless bags of chips, candy, and one too many Happy Meals! After so many years...

Green Smoothie Recipe

Over the summer I started making these smoothies when I noticed my son started eating everything but his veggies. I want to make sure he eats well, and I while I will always offer veggies with meals, I also...
My daughter, my first born, did not get her first tooth until she was 16 months old. As much as I adored that pink gummy smile, at some point, I was pretty certain I was going to have to...
Ellie (3 years old): "Where are we going?" Me: "I told you -  the market." Ellie: "We passed it already!" Me: "Oh . . . yeah. We are going to an outdoor market. Uh. . . we are going to...
A few times a year I get the urge to  "clean up" of my everyday routines. Maybe it's because I get bored, or feel like my skin/body/hair routine needs a little oomph. Maybe it's just because it's spring time...
On April 22, we celebrate Earth Day. There was a saying in the 90s which I took to heart when I heard it : "Every day should be Earth Day". I totally agree. While I am certainly a work...

STYLE: Healthy Tanning

Summer is coming quickly! (Yay - for family time, vacations, and relaxation!  Ugh - for hot sweatiness!) The thing on my mind lately has been how to get a healthy glow.  I like the look of a tan for...
I love lip balms!  I use them multiple times a day and I have tried soooo many different kinds.  It is nice to have options, but with all the different types...moisturizing, protecting, smoothing, plumping, shaded...I could go on and...
I'm always looking for great, healthy eateries to add to our family's dining out repertoire. Now dining out and healthy eating don't always go hand in hand but here are two strategies I use as a mom and nutritionist...
What MOM is going to say no to an organic skincare mask? Relaxing, hydrating, calming, anti-aging. Hello, all the things I want at the end of my day! Here is a quick all natural DIY pumpkin mask with only...

Foodie Friday: Flower Child

Ah yes, I can remember when the first Flower Child opened up off of Camelback and 44th St.  I remember tasting that first sip of kombucha they have on tap and biting into that amazing piece of grass fed...
2009.  That year was a turning point for our family. It started with backyard chickens. You would think that taking on backyard chickens would be something that comes later in a real food journey. Nope, not for me. I...
The holidays are here!  I haven't met one person who doesn't love this magical time of year.  The seasonal food, the decorations, the parties, the music, the shopping, you name it; it is magical.  I love decorating my house...
Have you heard of fermented foods and wondered - - A) What the heck are fermented foods? B) Where can I find fermented foods? C) Will my family even eat fermented foods? Good.  You are normal.  I wondered all of those...
In honor of The National Day of Unplugging, I agreed to go off the grid for a full 48 hours! No email, Internet, Facebook, text messages, Instagram, Pinterest, phone calls, mindless website browsing, or Google Maps. Being more present is...
I am not asking if your food is feeling down in the dumps.  Instead, I am talking about the Standard American Diet.  The Standard American Diet is a diet that is high in overly processed, nutrient deficient ingredients.  These products...
Scorpions, ugh. The scum of the earth! These nasty little boogers blend into pretty much any brown you have in your house, and exist wherever there is a mountain, dirt, or trees. They can climb walls, they come out...

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Arizona Science Center: Trading Happy Hour for Snow Explosions

  Ah, the glory days of happy hour—when I could sip cocktails, laugh with friends, and somehow still make it to closing time. Fast forward...
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