Summer is practically upon us here in the Valley of the Sun. Do you know what that means?! It means swimming, traveling, hiking, exploring, camping, you name it! I am super excited about the adventures that await us this...
I am the smelliest sweaty Betty you are likely to meet. I work out regularly and I live in Phoenix, which might as well be the same as living on the face of the sun in the summertime. Needless...
It seems like food has always had a negative effect on my body. From a young age I remember telling my parents that hot dogs gave me headaches. My family chalked it up to me being dramatic. That is...
As a yoga instructor and someone who is pretty into health and fitness, I feel a bit ashamed to say that I have never included meditation in my wellness routine. The recent studies on the benefits of meditation are...
Now that my kids are back in school and away from home most of the day, that means they are away from some great resources - Essential Oils! This means it's time for a "backpack makeover." When my kids were...
Each year I am determined to try to keep our family's immune systems as supported as possible. There is no doubt we are going to be exposed to something, but I hope my family's immune systems are strong to fight...
The holiday season has begun! The hustle and bustle of traditions, traveling, gift giving and food preparation makes this season seem like a blur. However, one thing I slow down and focus on during the season is teaching my...
Now that the holidays are upon us, and if you are anything like me, I am always looking for fun and thoughtful homemade gifts that we can give to teachers, friends, family, and all the hosts of the beautiful...
I never thought I would be a parent who reads parenting books. They obviously never appealed to me before I was a parent, and now I’m dropping them in my Amazon cart like they are cookbooks or kitchen tools.
I had never been camping until a few years ago when my husband and I thought it would be a fun tradition for our family to start. Our first trip was not long after our oldest daughter turned two....
It is almost that time of year when all of the big holidays quickly stumble upon us, but I wanted to throw another one at you that is not nearly as popular, but still has a huge purpose. This...
Summer time cooking in Phoenix is tricky. It's hot, like really hot, and the idea of even turning on the oven literally makes me want to just eat cold cereal until September. Lately, I have gotten really into cooking...
Celebrate child health day with inspiration from your favorite childhood memories!
I remember, as a kid, hopping on my bike, cruising the neighborhood with my sisters, our crimped and feathered hair blowing in the wind as our acid wash jean...
Hello Lovely Ladies,
Let’s face it trying to get pregnant can be quite stressful. My husband and I have been in no hurry to start a family. We wanted to travel and take our time before moving onto that...
OK, where do I begin? I guess I’ll start with a little background on my pregnancy with Ayva first. The first trimester was rough, lots of morning sickness (or what should be called all-the-time sickness). I lost a bit...
Most moms I know call the birth of their children the happiest day of their lives- I can't agree more. I met my older daughter on a beautiful, bright morning in the middle of the most gut wrenching time...
I was due with my second child the day this blog was launched (10 weeks ago to be exact). Honestly, I anticipated this second birth with a good bit of fear and trepidation. My first birth was fast, intense,...
Photo Credit: Jumping Cholla Photography
When I was pregnant for the first time four years ago, like most first time moms, I spent a considerable amount of time during my pregnancy thinking about my ideal birth plan. One big question I...
I have been pregnant 5 times now, and two of those pregnancies have given me my two beautiful boys. I have also had a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago,...
It is the season of life for me where a lot of my friends are getting pregnant and having babies. During the last few months two of my friends, days apart in their due date, were expecting little boys...
Picking up from last week, our three moms continue the conversation about preeclampsia. If you missed it, get caught up here.
How did they treat your preeclampsia?
Me: I was admitted to the hospital and taken to the postpartum care section....
If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent many hours daydreaming about space travel; maybe you’ve even considered home décor for retirement on Mars. So, when I heard of an opportunity to watch the Orion parachute tests, I knew I...
Today’s best STEM summer camps teach science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in a fun and engaging way. Kids and teens can learn foundational STEM skills while meeting new friends and building self-confidence.
Trying to decide which summer camps are...
Can you believe summer break is coming to an end and it's time for our kids to head back to school already?! Get ready for an awesome school year and get a sneak peek of Children's Learning Adventure's preschool...
Do you have a student in high school? If so, the conversation around the dinner table may likely be about your kid's next steps - will they continue on and pursue further education, join the military, go on a...