Why Are Baby Teeth Important?

Do you ever wonder why it is important to take care of your child's baby teeth?  You may be thinking that these teeth will just eventually fall out.  Although baby teeth don’t last as long as permanent teeth, your...
Raise your hand if you are mentally exhausted from 2016? It was a pretty crazy year when you look back at it.  It was a good year.  Work was busy; my husband published his first novel; my daughter started...
A hot topic that I often see in articles and also find myself discussing with other moms revolves around the preservation of our self-identify as mothers. Self-identity is a word that carries a lot of weight. What exactly is...
Lately, I've been letting mom brain get the best of me at night.  I lie in bed thinking about all the things I need to do.  I think about all the things I didn't do.  I think about all...
Happy May ladies! This is our month to shine! With Mother's Day just having passed, warmer weather, and visions of summer vacation dancing in our minds, it's a good month to celebrate ourselves. As moms we know that each...
Having twins has by far been one of the most challenging life events for me, mostly to my self esteem.  When they were born, I was a new person: a mom.  And not only a mom to one baby,...
This post was written and sponsored by our partners at Affiliated Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Tips for Teething Babies and Toddlers Excessive drooling and crankiness can make teething a challenging time for parents and babies alike. Here's help easing the pain...
There are several memes going viral about how awful 2016 has been and how ready everyone is for 2017 to start. I think most people would agree that even if it wasn't a bad year for them personally, it really seems...
I find as a mother, or maybe just as a woman, I tend to overanalyze, over plan, over think...  I compare myself to others who appear (via their social media updates and pictures) to have lives that are easier, more exciting,...
Let me start by saying that I know nothing I'm going to say is going to be "news" to any parent.  I'm not experiencing anything that any of you aren't, or haven't over and over again ... perhaps to...
 A few days ago, I was snuggled up in the corner of the couch with my warm cup of morning coffee, having a sentimental moment staring at my boys while they pushed their toy cars across the hardwood floor...
Mommy shame. It’s been around since the beginning of time, and will probably be around until the end of time. Being a "good mom," I’ve always considered myself someone who would not mommy shame. I say things like "fed...
This is dedicated to all the parents breaking out in cold sweats over the thought of losing the pacifier. Be strong. Oh WubbaNub! Oh WubbaNub! You won over our hearts I instantly knew our time with you Would not soon depart You’re a calmer...
Homework. We've all dreaded hearing the word come from the mouth of our teachers. Though some loved receiving an assignment that needed to be completed at home, others felt nothing but frustration. Homework is not something that is new in...
When we have kids, we know that we will inevitably have to have the birds and the bees talk.  As they grow, they become curious and it is up to us to answer their questions and educate them before their...
Grocery shopping, laundry, squeeze that workout in, start dinner, rerun the laundry because you forgot it was sitting in the washer... does this sound familiar? I swear that this is me daily! And then of course the kids are...

No Spend January

With the Holidays behind us, the new year brings a perfect time for a change in behaviors that may not be serving me or my happiness. This year, it means taking a long hard look at my spending habits...
Alzheimer's Disease is an ugly condition. One that I am all too familiar with. I am watching my sweet Mamma go through it. And she is the fifth family member I have personally seen endure it in my lifetime.  So...
We have all had the days ... the days where you feel like you're going to wake up and conquer the world, and, well, it just doesn't go that way. AT ALL.  I had one of these days recently....
Recently a co-worker, who is single and child-free, said something to me after she had been dealing with a particularly difficult patient. “Please don’t raise your sons to be jerks.”  I suppose I could have been offended, but if...
I keep reading these adorable, yet cliché New Year posts like "It's a blank page to a new chapter" or "Start the Year Off Right," but I am not seeing posts with tools, ideas, or ways to make the...
Okay, real talk... when I was pregnant with my littles, I had this vision in my head of what being a mother "should" look like. I put that in quotations because I now realize how unrealistic my "should" vision...
A letter to my surprise baby, I remember when your daddy and I first started talking about having kids. We were so young, hopeful and naive. We didn’t know about pregnancy complications, congenital defects, infertility and infant loss. And slowly...
When you become a mom, your whole world changes. Your days are filled with doing things that are best for your family, and your child, versus what is best for you. Your late evenings become early mornings; any time...

Back To School

It's that time of year when the kids have gone back to school, and for us teachers, that means back to work.  It is always an exciting and trying time.  There's new schedules to be worked out, new teachers...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

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