The Best Places to See Christmas Lights in Phoenix
I can't even begin to tell you how fun it is to see all the wonder and the magic in my children's eyes as they get to experience Christmas this year. From now until...
5 Easy Ways to Decorate Your Home For Fall
It's officially fall y'all. Can you believe it?! And even though Arizona isn't completely done with the warm temperatures during the day, we're finally getting those cooler mornings and evenings. I was so excited to...
What It Means to Be a Mother : A Love Letter to My Girls
I've always wanted to be a mom, no questions about it. And now that I am, I finally understand what it means to be a mother. This makes me eternally grateful that I have...
Ways You Can Help Your Kids Love to Read
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." - Jojen Reed, A Dance With Dragons
March is National Literacy month, also nicknamed March Into Literacy. I'm a...
How to Save Your Sanity : 5 Simple Tips
Grocery shopping, laundry, squeeze that workout in, start dinner, rerun the laundry because you forgot it was sitting in the washer... does this sound familiar? I swear that this is me daily! And then...
How Being Present Makes You a Better Mom
Being Present. What does it mean to you? Is it putting down your phone at dinner time? Or is getting down on your kid's level and playing without a care? This has been one...
3 Beautiful + Easy to Make DIY Fall Wreaths
Can you guys believe that it's November already?! I sure can't but I am super excited to decorate for the holidays. I wanted to do a super easy DIY fall wreath for those of...
Make this DIY Play Tent: It’s Super Easy + Cute
Are you ready for one of the easiest DIY projects ever?! Seriously though, this DIY play tent is probably the quickest and easiest project that I've taken on in awhile and I can tell...
I Want My Body Back: How to Know When it’s Time to be Done...
There are so many pros to breastfeeding. "Breast is Best!" is constantly spread around in birthing classes, hospitals, doctor's offices, magazines, books and in moms groups all over the world. It's an amazing tool...
We Love to Buy Swimsuits in the Summer – Do You?
I don't know about you, but over here we have a serious addiction to buying swimsuits. Especially now that I have a second baby girl and I can get them matching or color coordinating...
DIY Growth Chart :: Memories in the Making
"Enjoy the little things in life... For one day you'll look back and realize they were big things." -Kurt Vonnegut
It's amazing how quickly time passes when you have children. I feel like I had...