How to Survive When Babies and Toddlers are Teething


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Tips for Teething Babies and Toddlers

Excessive drooling and crankiness can make teething a challenging time for parents and babies alike. Here’s help easing the pain — for both of you.

Teething Babies and Toddlers North Phoenix Moms BlogWhat to expect between 0-6 months.

When babies are born, they have a complete set of 20 baby teeth beneath their gums. Even though their first teeth generally erupt around 6 months of age, your baby may display signs of teething earlier.

What to expect between 6-8 months.

The lower and upper front teeth, called incisors, are the first to erupt around this age.  Before a tooth comes into the mouth, the bumpy edges of the tooth may be felt under the gums.  This is when you’ll see your baby begin chewing on their hands, and let’s face it, on anything they can get their mouths on.  Let the drooling begin…It’s a good idea to keep a small bib on your baby to keep the chin dry and prevent a rash from forming.

What to expect between 10-14 months.

Here come the molars, baby molars of course! These teeth are in the upper and lower jaw towards the back of the mouth. Your baby may stick their fingers to the back of their mouth, have more drool and be fussier this time around.  There is a possibility your baby may have a loss of appetite, slight diarrhea or fever.  Your baby’s sleep schedule may be off (so parents too) during the eruption of the molars.

What to expect between 16-22 months.

This is when the canine (aka eye) teeth usually erupt.   Again the goal of this phase is to keep your baby as comfortable as possible.

What to expect between 25-33 months.

Unfortunately, this may be the most uncomfortable phase of teething for some toddlers as their second molars (and largest baby teeth) are erupting.  Parents sometimes find the soothing methods once used, may no longer work as well.

Teething Baby and Toddler Tips North Phoenix Moms Blog

Tips to combat teething pains:

  • Gently massage your baby’s gums with your clean finger, the counter pressure can work wonders
  • Chill a damp wash cloth, teething ring or pacifier for your baby to chew on
  • Let them chew on a toothbrush; it helps clean  teeth and soothe the gums
  • If there’s a slight fever, give Tylenol based on your child’s age and weight (check with your pediatrician if you have questions about the proper dose)
  • Do not use any over the counter soothing gels with benzocaine
  • Do not put aspirin on their gums

The teething process may be a trying time for you and your baby, but with a little help, your baby will be full of happy smiles.  And just remember…this too shall pass.


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