Back To School

It's that time of year when the kids have gone back to school, and for us teachers, that means back to work.  It is always an exciting and trying time.  There's new schedules to be worked out, new teachers...

Bonding Time!

Labor Day weekend was a blast for my family! We took a trip to Disneyland with my parents, brother and sister-in-law, and some close family friends. For my mom's birthday she invited me to walk the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon....
I find as a mother, or maybe just as a woman, I tend to overanalyze, over plan, over think...  I compare myself to others who appear (via their social media updates and pictures) to have lives that are easier, more exciting,...
  Well, I did it. I survived through three pregnancies, had three natural births (just what I wanted), and have three beautiful children to show for it. I am blessed indeed! However, a sneaky struggle has made it's way into my...
Let's face it. We have all been there.....we have felt the judgement of others for decisions we make in raising our children. If we really dig deep, I bet we can all admit to a time that maybe, just...
As a mama of a freshly-minted five year old who is eagerly counting down the days until her first day of Kindergarten, I can speak from experience when I say that the school-days roll around all too quickly. On...
Did you participate in Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A a couple of weeks ago?! Our family did! The place was a jungle! The line was almost out the door to order, and there was almost no one in there...
Looking back upon my first year as a mama, I remember so eagerly anticipating those major milestone events.....first time rolling over, first words, first know, the ones you obsess over, compare with your fellow mamas, making sure your...
Last year around this time, I felt compelled to write my story of losing two precious babies through miscarriage. I ended up just not having the words to share and since it is so near and dear to my...
My daughter, my first born, did not get her first tooth until she was 16 months old. As much as I adored that pink gummy smile, at some point, I was pretty certain I was going to have to...
I recently lost my step-mom to stage 4 cancer. It's unbearable...losing a loved one. This is the sort of pain that I vigilantly protect my children from. I get in mother bear mode and don't want them to hurt at all....
During the most recent Super Bowl, many of the multi-million dollar campaign spots went to the usual suspects....the snack foods, the adult beverages, the soda pop, the feminine hygiene products.....wait, WHAT?!?!? Now that was a curve ball we didn't...
Today is World Autism Awareness Day. For many people out there this personally hits home with them, including me. Last year we were given the life altering news that our sweet boy was on the spectrum. As a parent it's...
Just a few weeks ago, my almost 6 year old finally hit the magical 40 pound mark. In her beautiful little mind, this was the equivalent of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Tears of joy literally brimmed on...
We live in an odd climate here in Phoenix. It's hot, really hot, for a very long time! How does that affect you? Your body? Your mood? Your thoughts? I think most people think "Summer!!" and imagine lounging around...
Always tell the truth. That is what we tell our kiddos isn't it? Be honest and open and don't lie. Lies hurt people....sometimes lies hurt ourselves.  So why is it that so often a double standard exists? We hide...
As I sit here writing this, my little guy is walking around the house eating his lunch on his LAST DAY HOME before school starts. Ahhh... school. He's looking forward to it and truthfully, so am I. Don't get...
I have an illness. I am not sure what it is called or if it is clinically recognized by the American Medical Association, but it seems to be a chronic condition that I just can't seem to shake. I...

Thankfulness Photo Challenge

  It's November and you know what that means? Thankfulness I've seen so many posts on Facebook or other social media platforms about 30 day challenges to speak, write or say what you are thankful for everyday in the month of November....
What do you think of when I say the word "Thanksgiving?"  The turkey that's never done yet. Grandma's pumpkin pie. Yoga pants after dinner.  The emergency room.  I know what you're thinking- the emergency room?!  It's true.  And I'm...
I know people generally mean well, I do. But sometimes, when it comes to our kids, even those with the best of intentions inadvertently do things that can make parents cringe. Most of them involve someone – many times...
When I told people I was pregnant, they started calling me mom, mama, mommy right away. I didn’t know how to respond, we had been trying for a long time and I still didn’t think it was real, even...
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."  Socrates Well here it is.  2016.  A new year.  Full of hopes and dreams and lists of all the...
I love New Years. Just like a little kid looking forward to her first day back at school! (or was that just me? anyway,)  I always get excited about the fresh start. I love looking at the year like...
Today we are partnering with Childhelp to share a post written by Deborah Pshebniski, Char Hubble and Erika Monroe-Williams.  These women are moms themselves and spend time working on various events in Arizona to raise funding for great causes.  Today,...

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Arizona Science Center: Trading Happy Hour for Snow Explosions

  Ah, the glory days of happy hour—when I could sip cocktails, laugh with friends, and somehow still make it to closing time. Fast forward...
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