Having a new baby is such an exciting time. I remember spending hours dreaming about finally holding my baby after 9 months of pregnancy. I probably spent just as much time researching exactly what I would need once my...
I have to admit that as "Tech Savvy" as I consider myself, using my phone to pay for my items at the store has been something I did for the first time this month. Some might call me crazy,...
One night shortly after the birth of our firstborn child, my husband threw me a curve ball: What would happen to our baby if something happened to us? This sleep-deprived and bleary-eyed new mama wanted nothing to do with the...
I received an email from an old colleague slash friend a few days ago. The email said that she had lost my number, was let go from her job, and had a baby less than a year ago. I couldn’t...
We are just wrapping up 4 birthdays at our house and I am exhausted! Planning a party, scheduling a family dinner, and searching for the perfect birthday present is a little stressful for this already stressed out mama. But...

Medical History Freebie

As mothers, we do some pretty incredible things; but perhaps nothing is quite as impressive as the mental load we carry. We coordinate appointments, manage medications, plan schedules, recall addresses, phone numbers, friends’ names, and even house a complete...

Breakfast Just for Mom

  Like most households, mornings are busy for us. We are rushing to get the kids fed and ready for their designated locations for the day—school, daycare, playdate, etc. Mornings that are filled with debates over who is wearing what...
The 2018-19 school year marks my 7th year of teaching. And with my master’s in secondary English education, whatever grade you can assume I’ve taught, I’ve done more… Well, most of it. From early education to middle school and...
Summer is well underway and it’s that time, once again, to read all of the latest and greatest thing to do in Phoenix to keep kiddos and parents entertained. Let’s have some fun! Jaw-some July: Sharks Invade Odysea Aquarium All...
Self-care is a trending topic amongst women, particularly mothers, right now. It’s common to see friends and fellow mamas post images of their spa day or shopping spree in the name of #selfcare. On occasion, we dig deeper and...
Sundays do not revolve around meal planning at my house, and I’ll admit that sometimes it really shows. The end of each work day usually ends with my husband and I texting back and forth about what should be...
As summer quickly approaches, so do the scorching temperatures and with kids that means long days inside the house. In order to beat cabin fever, I have put together a list of my family's favorite indoor play areas in Phoenix! 1. Whipples...
Like any "good" mother I meticulously plan ahead of time all the school functions.  I get the school calendar at the beginning of the year and write all the dates in my personal planner.  I plan vacations around holidays...
If you are new to sunny Phoenix—welcome! If you are a new mom—congratulations! Chances are that if you are reading this, you are starting your preparations for surviving the sweltering Arizona summer heat with kiddos. Hopefully you have been...
With Mother’s Day fast approaching, I wanted to take a moment to recognize all those hard-working, hard-loving moms out there that give their all on the daily. But most of all, on this day, I want to share my...
Two weeks after I gave birth, I found myself checked back into the hospital. But, this time, my husband checked me into a psychiatric facility and my newborn daughter wasn’t allowed to visit me. Instead, my husband brought printed...
I have a new favorite "F" word... it's 40. Fierce, feisty, fabulous 40. I enjoyed this milestone in mid-air en route to Sydney, Australia with my family late last year, and since then I've been dedicated to having my...
As I write this, our state in experiencing the most historic movement in public education since…really, ever. With an affirmative vote of teachers from across the state, a walk-out has been scheduled to protest the need for increased funding...
Addiction. A familiar word in most homes in America. Someone you know has likely suffered from an addiction, as it’s become a widespread epidemic throughout our nation. But this word and my experiences with it have changed my perspective...
It’s pretty easy to pick out a gift for a first time mom.  I would never think of veering away from the all-encompassing baby registry which I know the expecting mom spent so many hours pondering on the BuyBuyBaby...
Becoming a mom was never a part of the plan.  From a young age, my dream of becoming a career woman was absolutely certain. The future I envisioned consisted of completing a Doctorate in Philosophy, working my way up in...
This month, my husband and I are celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary. Yes, yes, we haven't been married that long, but we have been together since 2011. Throughout that time span, milestones and many events have traveled across our relationship:...
It seems that more and more, holidays have become an excuse to pump our littles with presents and sweets in the name of Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. Between school parties and themed candies for every holiday imaginable, I...
Sometimes, life just plain sucks.  Babies get sick, husbands get the man flu, and mommy has to take care of all the things.  Jobs don’t go as planned or hoped, and worst of all, everything seems to happen all...
We got hit hard this season with colds and sinus infections, but we’re finally all mended. Does anyone else feel like they get energy or perspective after a sickness? It’s like you forget what healthy feels like, and once...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

Leap Day Deals & Specials

Spring Training Dining Deals

Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide

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