I’m Breaking Up with My Yoga Pants
Bye bye yoga pants!
As I scrolled through my sweet boy's first birthday photos, I sat there staring in disbelief. I racked my brain trying to recall the last 12 months, and I couldn't. I...
Talents and Passions Pushed Aside
Motherhood is such a whirlwind. Your entire life revolves around you and a significant other (maybe). Then a few magically painful hours pass and everything, and I mean everything is different! Showers are timed,...
What’s so bad about the word “No”?
I pulled open the nail salon door and the overwhelming fumes rolled over my head, not helping the anxiety. I stumbled across my words, feeling like a small child summoned for a scolding. "I'm...
Apps to Get More Money in Your Pocket!
I have to admit that as "Tech Savvy" as I consider myself, using my phone to pay for my items at the store has been something I did for the first time this month....
A List of the Best Fireworks in Phoenix and Surrounding Areas
We have compiled a comprehensive list of the Best Fireworks in Phoenix and surrounding areas for the 4th of July. There are endless options and activities for your family to enjoy!
Tuesday, July 3rd
Anthem's Independence...
Things to Do in Phoenix this Month
School is officially out and we've got your list of activities to keep the kids busy this month! We've also included a few activities for date night or time with friends to help keep...
The Best Gift Suggestions for Teacher Appreciation Week, from Teachers
Teacher Appreciation week is almost here! May 7-11th is your time to shower teachers with love! We collaborated with teachers to find out what makes them excited and have suggestions for gifts that make them...
You Really Know You’re a Mom When…
Mama you endure a lot each day! You are strong, you have endurance and you learn more each day. Your day looks very different from your childless days, yet you wouldn't trade a single...
The Best Guide to Spring Events in Phoenix
It's here! The time we've all been waiting for! We endure the hot summers and sporadic winters for SPRING! Below you'll find spring events in Phoenix for everyone and everything! From date nights, to...
When Nursing Sucks, It Really Sucks
Please don’t panic! It’s just word play, mostly. I am purely here to educate, and hopefully encourage. See, I had expectations about nursing. We all do, expectations are women’s expertise. I saw myself snuggling...
Let Us Grieve
There is anger, there is fear, and there is frustration. There is so much I want to say, so much that could be said. Yet, should it be said?
An old teacher of mine in...