Fertility preparedness may seem like an unusual thing to talk about during infertility awareness week, but if you are among the countless women hoping for a successful pregnancy after infertility, this article is for you.
Many couples are blindsided when...
Puberty is an awkward phase for most, what with the bleeding, the acne, the self-doubt, the fear. But with attention to a few simple guidelines and tips up your sleeve, you can help your daughters whether the storm a...
I'm not a dieter and I'm not really into resolutions. I just don't feel like I can ever make either work for me.
So, here are a couple of my tips, that I try to practice, for eating better all...
Thank you to our campaign sponsors at We Can Do This for supporting Phoenix Moms and the safety of our families. This content was paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. To find a COVID-19...
Are you done hearing the term “self-care” because you are doing all the “things” but not really feeling any better? You choked down the green juice in the morning, downloaded your favorite meditation app, and scheduled your exercise. And...
Maybe you are like most of us that make New Year's resolutions or goals and then by the time March hits, maybe even sooner, they have been forgotten. I know I super indulged over spring break with our eating...
Let's talk about sex.
There are several times over the course of a woman’s life when changes in sexual interest and enjoyment can be compromised. The causes for these changes are often multifactorial. Hormone changes with the menstrual cycle, during...
After the long, hot, seemingly endless summer, it is finally our chance to get some outdoor fitness in. With holiday season upon us, it may be hard to squeeze it all in, but let's not forget to prioritize ourselves...
1 out of 3 Americans report that they don't get enough sleep each night.
Imagine this: You find yourself laying in bed struggling to fall asleep. Again. You look at the clock. It's 3:00 am. The urge to know how...
As a chronic dieter and disordered eating recoverer, I know well how body weight and the scale can severely mess up your self-image. I used to step on that devilish little black box every single morning without fail to...
I never thought I would enjoy exercising with my kids. A long time ago, before having my third kid, I had a gym membership and happily dropped my kids off at childcare before heading to a class or the...
When it comes to keeping your teeth healthy, it’s likely that you’ve had the basics drilled into your head from a young age: Brush twice a day, floss regularly and make twice yearly appointments to see your dentist. But...
The pressures of the idealized beauty standards are everywhere these days, making it difficult to maintain a positive body image when comparison is inevitable. This can especially be the case when living with a visible skin condition that society...
"I want a second opinion"... Then get one!!!
Have you ever gone to a doctors office and left thinking “I want a second opinion?” Maybe it was something you heard or felt. It could be that you didn’t feel heard....
Oooh girl. It’s not like I feel super sexy most of the time as a mom, but I definitely didn’t feel super sexy sitting in the podiatrist’s office last week, watching as he examined my bunions. After a mere...
Keeping your skin hydrated during the summer doesn’t have to be a lot of work. Once the 90-degree (plus) temperatures hit, staying consistent is key to avoiding dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles and a dull complexion. There are...
As moms, we’re all too familiar with feeling stressed out because April is National Stress Awareness Month, now is the time to get to the root of it. Stress can come from any event or thought that makes us...
So, you're here. Reading this blurb about addiction and recovery and the 1000 foot view. Addiction in the 21st. Addiction in the time of a pandemic. Addiction as a mother/wife/friend/woman. I will give you a short brief about who...
Healthy habits have always been part of my life but lately they had been overlooked and, quite frankly, ignored for the last year or so.
Leading up to being forty really got me into thinking that I need to welcome healthy...
How are you doing, friend? I mean really? This past year has been a dumpster fire. Insanely tumultuous. Baffling and blessed. A few days into the New Year and it already seems as if we require a reset from...
With the holiday season in the rearview mirror, and the world in the state that it's in, stress seems to still be lingering, and even compounding. We understand that real problems require real answers, and that a spa day...
Top 4 Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment
As 2020 comes to a close, our partners at Dunn Orthodontics want to help your kids end the year smiling. The benefits of straight teeth go far beyond a good-looking smile. It’s what that...
There are a lot of contentious opinions out there about how and when to sleep train a baby, and I don't have a lot to add to that conversation. What I've realized recently, though, is that after having three...
These days, with the impact of Covid-19 on our socializing IRL, many are turning more than ever to social media. These platforms can be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family and learn about cooking,...
Well, it has happened. We’ve crossed into the horrifying 110+ degree weather. And let’s be real if you want to be an active mama that probably means things have to change in order for you to keep your workout...