My family loves Disneyland, Disney movies, Disney+, Disney songs, etc. If you are like me, you may be going through Disneyland withdrawals. We are itching to go back and anxiously awaiting the day that they re-open and we can...
“There is never enough time.” “I cannot do it all.” “Time flies.” “I wish time would slow down.” As a mom, it feels like you are either pulled in a million directions all at once and may be overwhelmed or burned out or...
More moms are asking their kid's orthodontist about Invisalign for themselves. We all want to take care of ourselves. Braces and Invisalign aren't just for kids anymore. More and more people are getting braces or doing Invisalign as an adult. Braces,...
At this point, you have probably seen an adorable baby wearing a white helmet when you have been out and about. This helpful helmet is called a DOC Band, and my 6 month old little guy is currently sporting...
Every year I create a bucket list of sorts. This year I’ve entitled it, “39 things Wendie will do while 39.” 2020 is a great motivator because not only is it a New Year and a new decade, but...
Can You Hear Me Now? My Child Is Begging For A Cell Phone! I vividly remember when I started the campaign to get my own phone in my room.  I was a child of the 80's. The idea of sitting...
I want to share how my family says no to the holiday crazy and chaos. I used to run around like a crazy lady this time of year, cramming in all the things, barely sleeping, being insanely stressed, and still...
Ugh, moving is the worst. Even in the best of circumstances moving really is the pits. Add in two kids under 4, and you’ve got a tiring, long, few weeks on your hands. Even with just a 3 mile move...
Everywhere you look  the "Christmas Creep" is happening. Holiday music is hitting the radio, decorations are going up and stores are all in full-blown Christmas mode. The holidays, and related expenses, are approaching whether you're ready or not. Having...
A common question many parents have is when should your child start seeing the dentist? Every child develops at different rates, but most children typically start getting teeth between the ages of 6-8 months. Surprisingly, cavities can be detected in...
It’s October. Fall is in the air. The temperatures are dropping, the leaves are changing, and Pumpkin Spice flavored everything has hit the shelves. But wait—scratch that one about the leaves changing—Phoenix doesn’t do fall foliage. And, now that...
I am a big fan of Trader Joe's. A lot of my weekly meals for my family include Trader Joe's products. I live for their fall launch every year, and I stock up on my family's favorites. I think...
I always knew that I wanted to be a mom, but I honestly don’t think I knew just how challenging it would be.   Let’s start with a disclaimer: I have two little boys, who really are the lights...
I didn't choose the minimalist life, the minimalist life chose me. I met my husband when I was seven years old. By the time I was 12 I made it known that I would marry him and no one could...
Having a baby is a really beautiful journey. From hearing the heartbeat for the first time to finally holding your beautiful baby after nine long months, it's magical. But then, the baby is born and we begin the postpartum recovery period....
When I was younger, I remember regularly asking my mom what her favorite age for me was. And her reply was always, I enjoyed you as a baby, but I love the age you are now.” As I sit here today,...
One of my good mom friends and I got to talking about the challenges that parenting can present. We moms are often caught with the feeling that our cups are overflowing, and we are giving all aspects of life...
Learning how to read is a really exciting time for children and parents. Although most children start to learn how to read in elementary school, there are several pre-reading skills that they will need to develop before then. Parents...
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” It’s back to school time! Stores have been packed to the brim with back- to-school items for quite some time now. Students and parents are excitedly navigating through the aisles with...
The life of a modern person no longer appears without such things as a tablet, phone, computer. Children, watching the lives of adults, begin to be interested in gadgets from diapers: since mom and dad pay so much attention...
There are some people who possess the baby whisperer quality, but I somehow missed that one. I have friends who just couldn't wait to have another baby to cuddle and wear in a baby carrier.  All I could think...
Have you opened your fridge, and thought "I have nothing for dinner"? When it’s 100 degrees out and we are busy trying to juggle work, summer camp and fun activities, it is hard for us to spend a lot of...
I am an Illinois native, so summertime in the Midwest is not comparable to these hot summer days that Phoenix brings. Growing up, everyone looked forward to sweet summertime. The magical months between May and August where we can...
It seems like food has always had a negative effect on my body. From a young age I remember telling my parents that hot dogs gave me headaches.  My family chalked it up to me being dramatic. That is...
Finding Purpose Leads To Longer Lives  Do you ever ask yourself what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?  Having a sense of purpose just might be extending your life. A new study by JAMA, the Journal of...

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Out of Town Guests? Here are Six Spots to Bring Them!

As more and more people realize how much Phoenix has to offer, odds are good you'll eventually be hosting or at least meeting up...

Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide