easy summer entertaining

Easy Summer Entertaining

With summer now in mostly full swing, it creates the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends and family.  When you have little kids, it can be so easy to get caught up in the hoopla of everyday life:...
If you know me you know I love me some toddler fashions (instagram - #TuesdayToddlerThreads) + modern style toys. So we have partnered up with one of my FAVORITE blogs, Little Inspiration (have you seen me over there?!), on...
It's officially here. . . fall. . . or as I like to call it, "sweets season." For the next three months, most of us will stuff ourselves full of sweet treats to celebrate fall holidays which then leads into...
Like most moms, I wear about a zillion hats a day: Wife, Mom, Yoga Instructor, Small Business Owner, Toddler Negotiator (ha!) ... the list goes on and on! Needless to say, I'm always on the lookout for ways to...
Last week I channeled Ina Garten and made a perfect summer dessert: blackberry crostata. We had just visited Mortimer Farms and brought home some delicious sweet blackberries & strawberries.     This super easy and delicious free form Italian pie just screams...
Another Foodie Friday Recipe from Dala over at Thyme & Tamarind. Seriously ladies...sweets are my weakness. Nothing is too rich for this gal...mega thankful for my height from my dad because of one major sweet tooth. This week I...
Having a baby is a really beautiful journey. From hearing the heartbeat for the first time to finally holding your beautiful baby after nine long months, it's magical. But then, the baby is born and we begin the postpartum recovery period....

STYLE: Products I Love

This change in weather has me thinking of my beauty routine and what I need to change up for the new season. There are a few things that I am currently using and I just LOVE! i thought I...
Although a messy and costly process, Mary Scot Boyce and her husband, Matt, love their new and, well, “unreal” lawn. A few months ago, the Scottsdale-based parents of two young kids, ages 6 and 9, began discussing removing their...
The holidays are right around the corner which means big feasts and food comas will ensue. However, what if there was a way to feed your family nutritious meals that won’t make them feel too full and are packed with...
  My dear husband woke up before me the other day and decided to cook breakfast. He planned to make french toast -  a first for him. Since he was cooking, I went to walk the dog. When I got...
When you work in real estate, you spend much of your time in the weeds of a transaction, so it’s easy to forget about the true joy that comes from home ownership. At the end of the day, after...
This post was written and sponsored by our partners at The Children's Museum of Phoenix. Having a child with a summer birthday can be a bit daunting for us Arizona moms. I have twin girls with a mid May birthday...

Winter Chili

With cold (ish) weather upon us, my taste bud all of a sudden go from wanting all the lightly dressed vegetables to all the warm comforting soups and stews. Chili is a staple in my household when the weather...
Hello Holiday Season. This time of year is pure magic for our sweet kiddos—Santa, presents, holiday baking, the list goes on. For us parents working behind-the-scenes, this time of year can bring stress and seemingly mile-long to-do lists. One item...
    Hello fabulous mommas!  Welcome to the first Fashion & Beauty Friday of the new North Phoenix Moms Blog!   Recently, Birchbox sent me a bottle of Agave Healing Oil, which is an oil treatment for hair.  If you don't know about Birchbox,...
I have always enjoyed cooking, baking and homemaking so naturally when my little boy was ready to make the leap from breast milk and solids, I knew that I wanted to make his baby food. There is a lot...
The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. Spending time with family, BBQs, being on the lake and sparklers! I’ve lived in AZ for 12 years now and have learned that the 4th of July is the...

STYLE: Fall Lip Color

I'm honestly not a huge makeup person, but recently I have become a fan of adding and changing my lipstick or gloss. A pop of color on the lips can really change your look, and it's about the most...
It is the PERFECT time of year to enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa... and it to make it a little more festive, why not add some peppermint?!  The peppermint makes a superb addition to hot cocoa... a...
When you’re running around all morning, getting the kids ready for school, and trying to get yourself going as well, what’s your morning fuel? Smoothies are a great meal-on-the-go for kids and moms. Today we are sharing two nutritious...
One of the first big milestones in a baby's life is getting to try real food.  As a parent, there are a few options to consider with baby food, with the main one being:  Do you buy or make...
The mornings are crisp, the sun is setting differently, and fall decorations are popping in store windows! For those Starbucks lovers out there, if the Pumpkin Spiced Lattes have graced us once again ... it  must be FALL!! I...
February is here! Love is in the air, stores are packed with heart shaped goodies, the color red is boldly splashed across everything, and scrumptious chocolate treats have made their way into our pantry. Whether you are a Valentine’s...
Christmas is coming and so is the yearly ritual of moms stressing out trying to figure out gifts for everyone. It's hard to know what to get everyone and making sure to stay on a budget can add some...

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