As a part time teacher I have summers off to hang out with my kiddos, but on the flip side I also don't get paid as a teacher during the summer, so my family has to summer on a...
For the holidays this year, we will be entertaining out-of-town guests for three out of the four weeks of December. I know... I know... but it's not as bad as it may sound. Two of the guests are my...
Do you and your family hang out at the Shops at Norterra?! If you haven't already, you should!! The Shops are a sponsor of ours and we couldn't be more excited about it. There are so many great places...
Every aspect of parenting is "go big" or "go home now." From pregnancy announcements and gender reveals to the first birthday bash; it’s all a party these days.  That’s probably why Pink’s latest celebration is sure to take off...
Last Friday, I shared the Mommébox subscription with you.  I showed you what was in the December Mommébox and today I am going to share with you what the January box included!  If you missed the first post, click...
I'm back, with another way for families to have fun and give back to their communities! Foam Glow 5K is a nighttime fun run that all ages can enjoy.  Dressed in everything from a t-shirt and shorts to neon tutus...
It's that time of year again! A time for family and friends who are all looking for fun and festive things to do. There are so many fantastic options valley wide. In a effort to make your holidays a...
Family photos and I have a love/ hate relationship. I love getting the family all dressed up, I love having pictures to hang on my wall, and I love creating lasting memories. What do I hate about them? Getting...
After having a particularly hard week for no other reason than that life is hard sometimes, a fellow mom complimented me on doing a great job instilling confidence in my son because she has noticed how talkative and outgoing...
easy summer entertaining

Easy Summer Entertaining

With summer now in mostly full swing, it creates the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends and family.  When you have little kids, it can be so easy to get caught up in the hoopla of everyday life:...
Mommébox is a subscription service where every month you get a box full of goodies.  It's like opening a present created just for you once a month!  It is filled with beauty and lifestyle products to pamper moms like...
This post is sponsored by Wet n' Wild. It's that time of year in Phoenix...  the weather is rising, the kids are getting out of school, and that means summer is officially here!  If you are like most parents, you...
We focus a lot on the ways that motherhood changes us. In particular, we tend to talk about the challenges we face or how our lives are no longer just “ours” and how little time we have to do...
This post was written and sponsored by our partners at The Children's Museum of Phoenix. Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Attend the Children's Museum's Big Birthday Bash  The Children's Museum of Phoenix opened June 14, 2008 in the glorious,...
Many things have changed the past two years and Disneyland is no exception. We've listed the resources you need to have a wonderful vacation in 2021 and 2022!  Our family just returned from an amazing vacation in Anaheim, California. As...
Take Me Out To The Ball Game... Two years, countless diapers, and nearly 365 games of regular season baseball has elapsed since Spring Training 2014. That’s two full seasons of warm summer nights, Cracker Jacks, and hot dogs for those...
Let's face it.  When it comes to keeping young kids occupied, we moms have to get creative sometimes. But a project doesn't have to be super complicated for kids to enjoy it. I try to do things with my...
It has been all about creativity for me this month after reading Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for inspiration and motivation in your life. This book...
This post was written and sponsored by our partners at the Children's Museum of Phoenix.  We are thrilled to provide you with information about their educational programs. Did you go to summer camps when you were young? Most of us...
The busyness of the holidays can be a huge stress. Decorations to hang, parties to attend, elves to hide, you name it. The expectations for creating the perfect day for your family can be panic inducing. In my family...
The summer is here, the temperatures have risen to scorching degrees, and moms are left to figure out what to do with their kids ALL DAY, EVERY DAY! That can be an overwhelming task to say the least. I...
Happy May ladies! This is our month to shine! With Mother's Day just having passed, warmer weather, and visions of summer vacation dancing in our minds, it's a good month to celebrate ourselves. As moms we know that each...
Recently, five of my mommy tribe friends and I got away for an amazing, and much needed girl’s weekend. The entire time I kept pinching myself because I could not believe that FIVE moms (all with children between the...
This is my first year of having an actual summer with my kids. My daughter just finished her first year at half- day Pre-K and now we have three glorious months with steaming hot temperatures to enjoy together.  Did...
Whether your little pilots are having snack time, a birthday celebration or going to see Planes in theaters these little carrot Dusty Crophoppers won't disappoint. This snack is made up of carrots (3 total - one whole, one halved...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

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Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide

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