After squeezing a tiny human out of what you used to recognize as your vagina, it's tough for you to even begin to imagine intimacy. The "honeymoon phase" of sex after marriage is all about romance, lingerie, and late nights...
We have all had the days ... the days where you feel like you're going to wake up and conquer the world, and, well, it just doesn't go that way. AT ALL.  I had one of these days recently....

When a Loved One Isn’t There

Introducing my kids to my father didn't go as I had always thought it would. I always planned my dad to be with me and meet my babies in the flesh. But that’s not how it worked out. My...
I’ve been there, moms ... you’re out shopping one day and you hold up a shirt that you know your daughter would like, “Isn’t this cute, sweetie?” She simply shrugs. No words, just a half-hearted, one-shouldered shrug. Her eyes...
It’s the time of year that you can’t stop at a red light without avoiding the bright signs plastered at each intersection. And don’t even get me started on the TV commercials. This may seem overly obnoxious, but before...
A hot topic that I often see in articles and also find myself discussing with other moms revolves around the preservation of our self-identify as mothers. Self-identity is a word that carries a lot of weight. What exactly is...
We live in an odd climate here in Phoenix. It's hot, really hot, for a very long time! How does that affect you? Your body? Your mood? Your thoughts? I think most people think "Summer!!" and imagine lounging around...
New Baby, New Body All you have to do is type #postpartum or #postpartumbody and be prepared for the onslaught of images of the remarkable weight loss body comparison pictures. It leaves me to wonder, are all of these images...
I want to offer our community an invitation to the Circles of Change Conference. This is an invitation to not only find peace with your own body and self, but to find a way of living that provides a...
On the day before I was scheduled to return to work after 12 weeks of maternity leave I had a list of 3 simple steps (don't worry you're not the only one who is now mentally singing the Agent...
Let's get right to it, I am taking a stand this year and ditching the holiday stress, deciding to instead focus on being thankful. With the holidays quickly approaching, stress levels are on the rise. As a kid, I...
As I write this, our state in experiencing the most historic movement in public education since…really, ever. With an affirmative vote of teachers from across the state, a walk-out has been scheduled to protest the need for increased funding...
“Honey, let’s get a dog! It will protect us, inspire us to get more exercise, and be a wonderful companion when we have kids!” That was me six years ago. “Don’t do it! You will regret it! Having a pet...

4 Truths About Dating in 2020

Simply put, dating in the modern era is difficult no maTTER WHAT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES.  (Case in point, that awkward sentence capitalization is brought to you courtesy of my own modern day dating dilemma, my two year old, who is...
Have you ever wondered how some moms can do it all?  You know, like the soccer mom who has a color-coordinated schedule, attends all the PTA meetings, and manages to cook those splendid five-star dinners, all while keeping her family...
In grade school, all of my friends' birthdays seemed to land in October and November.  My birthday is November 5th, so I had to be careful to try and plan my birthday party on a weekend with no other...
If you’re reading this, let me start off by saying I am sorry. I am sorry you saw the title of this post and it resonated with you and made you click. I’m sorry that you didn’t just pause...
I did a social experiment over the last several months in which I watched women's reactions when they were paid a compliment. Entrepreneurs, artists, mothers, students, introverts, extroverts – I spoke to all different types of women. I looked...
The phrase "New Year, New You" has always been a popular saying when the calendar rolls around to January. It's a time where people choose to create goals for themselves and take control of their future. Many of us...
I received an email from an old colleague slash friend a few days ago. The email said that she had lost my number, was let go from her job, and had a baby less than a year ago. I couldn’t...
Our family recently said goodbye to our beloved 11-year-old dog, Kali. She had been on many fun adventures with my husband and I before we had children and was there greeting us when both of our children came home...
We’ve always seemed to have a successful bedtime routine until recently. Our two boys, ages 6 and 3, have really changed over the years and it was time to adapt our bedtime routine. Each night we did the usual routine...
  Well, I did it. I survived through three pregnancies, had three natural births (just what I wanted), and have three beautiful children to show for it. I am blessed indeed! However, a sneaky struggle has made it's way into my...
The other day I went to a workshop titled “Change” by The Zen Bird. I went because I don’t like change and wanted to see if there were any directional tools I could use to help cope when change...
February is the month of L O V E! And, although that usually means Valentine’s Day and celebrating your significant other, I am going to offer an alternative cultural tradition: radical self love! What if you spend the whole month...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

Leap Day Deals & Specials

Spring Training Dining Deals

Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide

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