Radical Self Love :: Amazing Ways You Can Love and Accept Yourself


radical self loveFebruary is the month of L O V E!

And, although that usually means Valentine’s Day and celebrating your significant other, I am going to offer an alternative cultural tradition: radical self love! What if you spend the whole month of February radically loving yourself?!

Self care, or self love as I like to call it, is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves as mothers. Why is it SO important? Because to fill others up we must fill ourselves up FIRST. We must be well rested, well nourished, and well LOVED in order to be the happiest mom possible. And guess what? Contrary to what our culture tells us about Valentine’s Day, WE are actually capable and in charge of loving ourselves fully and completely, without relying on anyone else.

Don’t get me wrong, I love celebrating my marriage and my wonderful husband, and we will do something special together on Valentine’s Day. But, fully loving and caring for myself has made me a happier person and I want you to experience that too! I get that as moms we are SO.BUSY. The thought of trying to add in one more thing to the dreaded to-do list might make you want to pull your hair out. But I promise, you’re WORTH it. It is worth scheduling time during your very busy week for self care. You are worth it. Repeat that 🙂

So pull out your planner, and pencil in time for yourself throughout the month of February. Figure out beforehand who’s going to watch the kids, whether it’s your partner, a hired babysitter, or even a fellow mom friend who wants to do the Radical Self Love Challenge with you.  You can swap childcare and watch each other’s kiddos.  

Need some inspiration? RSVP to Zen Bird‘s Radical Self Love Challenge and be sure to print off this beautiful printable with a 4 week plan for long term love + acceptance!

radical self love

Looking for even more ways to to love yourself? Here are a few of my favorite forms of self love:


But seriously, unplug completely! Turn your phone and laptop off, get comfortable somewhere and allow yourself to be still and quiet. Maybe get an adult coloring book or a new book to read, with no time constraints or constantly checking your phone for alerts.


Eat a freshly prepared meal filled with REAL food. Eat it slowly, and enjoy it.

Get Outside

Feel the sunshine on your face, the grass beneath your feet, or listen to the sounds that you hear. I love hiking so that’s how I like to get outside, but you also could go sit on a park bench with a new book, or people watch at an outdoor mall.

Your Favorite Way to SWEAT

Everyone has a form of exercise they enjoy…if you don’t think that you do…you just haven’t tried the right kind yet! Give yourself an excuse to try every class or style out there until you find the one you just can’t live without. The possibilities are endless…Barre, Spin, Yoga, Walking/Jogging/Marathons, Hiking, TRX, Bootcamp/Crossfit, etc! Research has shown time and time again that sweating multiple times a week brings an abundance of rewards both physically and mentally.

Epsom Salt Bath

I take a bath every Sunday and it’s one of my favorite rituals. Tip: pour a few drops of essential oil onto the epsom salts first, shake them up, and then pour into your bath. If you have dry skin-a few pumps of fractionated coconut oil will keep your skin hydrated without clogging your drains! Epsom salts are detoxifying so make sure you drink lots of water!

Something LUXURIOUS and Guilt Free

This really depends on what you like, but luxurious isn’t always synonymous with expensive (at least in this context). Maybe it’s a nap on a Saturday afternoon while the kiddos are at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.


Give yourself a compliment everyday! You are strong, capable, smart, worthy, etc, etc. So many times we only focus on the things we want to improve in ourselves rather than the wonderful qualities we have. Focus on those, and learn to love every single part of yourself… “flaws” and all!

 What is your favorite form of self love? Comment below to help give some fellow mamas some ideas!

Happy Radical Self Love Month!



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