Some children (and parents) need a lot of time to be able to process and accept the transition from high school to college. And if you have multiple children at home, how is their sibling leaving/moving out going to...
Someone suggested a summer activity jar to me as a way to combat boredom for my kids during the summer months. I was skeptical for a few reasons; the main one being that I'm extremely lazy and that sounded...
So you’ve decided to embark on an international trip with your precious toddler or young school aged children—you are in for one amazing ride. Our family just returned from a wonderful European vacation and while it wasn’t all smooth...
Hi everyone! If you were lucky enough to receive a new camera for Christmas this year, congratulations! That's a pretty awesome gift. As far as material gifts go, it is definitely one of the top five of my life!...
One of the biggest surprises for my husband and me, when we entered parenthood, was the sticker shock of the cost of daycare. Nobody warned us that we would be paying almost the equivalent to a second mortgage for...

Straw Bale Gardening

Growing up in Western Pennsylvania, my family like most families who "lived in the country" had a garden. The garden was about an acre right in our front yard. It was a ton of work, but definitely rewarding. I...
About one month ago, Malka Rodal and I started speaking about possibly organizing a space in my home. Immediately, the master bedroom closet jumped out as what I wanted to tackle. I know that we all have busy lives...
Raise your hand if you are mentally exhausted from 2016? It was a pretty crazy year when you look back at it.  It was a good year.  Work was busy; my husband published his first novel; my daughter started...
The past three months of my life have been absolutely consumed with trying to move. There are so many steps in the process, so many points where things can go wrong and I really couldn't believe our new house...
bubble bath

Bubble Bath Safety

We all know that bubble baths help get the body clean and add a little fun to the routine, but are they always safe? Certain bubble bath products contain unsafe ingredients that can irritate your child's skin. The safety...
There’s no shortage of lists about what to expect when having twins.  I read A LOT of them. Especially once the shock wore off that our impending arrival was a double dose of sweetness. As much as I appreciate...
Halloween is right around the corner and as enjoyable as the holiday can be, we all know we have to sensibly approach the candy with our kiddos.  We're delving into Halloween candy tips that will be helpful as you...
Becoming a first time mom can feel isolating at times, especially if you are the only one in your friend group with a child. I clearly remember wondering if my nextdoor neighbor, a mom with a little boy the...
Birthday Parties. I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love celebrating my sweet babies, but I have to be honest and tell you that I feel overwhelmed when we get home with a ton of new toys that...
I find as a mother, or maybe just as a woman, I tend to overanalyze, over plan, over think...  I compare myself to others who appear (via their social media updates and pictures) to have lives that are easier, more exciting,...
Since becoming a mom two years ago, I’ve juggled a few different career paths while trying to figure out the best fit for our family and lifestyle.  I’ve worked at home for a 40-hour a week corporate company, switched to...
I pulled open the nail salon door and the overwhelming fumes rolled over my head, not helping the anxiety. I stumbled across my words, feeling like a small child summoned for a scolding. "I'm having an event uh...thing next...
It would be the understatement of the year to say that my family's life is a little crazy right now. I'm working full time and my husband is staying with my kids and finishing up school (graduation in one...
Bing's Burger Station: A Historic Gem in Cottonwood, Arizona   Welcome to Bing's Burger Station, a beloved eatery located in the heart of Cottonwood, Arizona. This local gem not only serves mouthwatering food but also holds a rich history that has...
January is National Bath Safety Month. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, thousands of children are injured or killed in bathroom accidents annually. We wanted to give you some tips on how to keep your bathroom safe. Water Temperature: It's...
Perhaps it was the way I was raised or just the Type A personality traits in me, but being late drives me nuts. Even as a kid, my punctuality was on point. But when I became a mom I suddenly...
In the last month my youngest has gone from a satisfied sitter to a cruising crawler who has his sights set on anything not baby proofed. Tipping hazards and electrical cords were the first items we had to correct...
Do you have a student in high school? If so, the conversation around the dinner table may likely be about your kid's next steps - will they continue on and pursue further education, join the military, go on a...
We're so lucky to live in Phoenix and  to have an amazing food and drink culture, with all this wonderful patio weather all we want to do is meet our friends for afternoon day dates, take a break from...
I am always looking for ways to capture the small moments in our life. My main way to do this is through photography. A few years ago I did a 365 photo project with a friend. If you have...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

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