Homework. We've all dreaded hearing the word come from the mouth of our teachers. Though some loved receiving an assignment that needed to be completed at home, others felt nothing but frustration. Homework is not something that is new in...
On the day before I was scheduled to return to work after 12 weeks of maternity leave I had a list of 3 simple steps (don't worry you're not the only one who is now mentally singing the Agent...
This week has not been an easy one for people living in the United States. Regardless of political affiliation, religious beliefs or social background we’ve all come face to face with a very real and very ugly side of...
On August 19, 2015 I finally made it public on Facebook that I had been suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety since the birth of my beautiful daughter. Here was my post: About a year ago I finally got help...
It's no secret - I'm a big fan of lists, storage and good ol' fashion organization.  I love making fall lists with autumn activities, and going back to school shopping for all those writing supplies and planners.  I think...
Parenting comes with pressure. I mean if the Duchess of Cambridge can admit to “experiencing a lack of confidence and feelings of ignorance under the pressures of being a perfect parent”—then we ‘normal’ moms don’t really stand a chance....
I have always been of the belief that all our bodies could possibly need can be found in food.  I have never really been a big vitamin-taker.  When my pediatrician wanted me to start giving my daughter iron-fortified vitamin...
My twin daughters are big kindergarteners now, but I remember the days where I thought I would never make it their first birthday.  For the most part I have forgotten these memories of life being tough from birth until...
I was thrilled when I found out I was pregnant with my son – thrilled – and absolutely petrified. I was so terrified that I would do something wrong that I sat on my seat for the first trimester....
Teenagers, Tweenagers, Toddlers OH MY! I have three kids in each of these developmental stages (fun times in my house…… ) and providing allowance for chores is not something we do for any of them.  I am all for...
I follow a mom on Instagram who recently lost her young baby to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It was a complete and total tragedy, but one that plagues the mind with endless questions of whether or not it could...
It’s that time again, where school bells ring and parents sing. Or at least that is what I feel I’m supposed to be doing when I hand my kid off for her first year of kindergarten. If you browse...
Packing for the hospital is so exciting and means your bundle of joy is almost here. For someone as high strung as me this meant list after list and packing weeks in advance. After hauling a gigantic bag around...
This morning a little boy hit my daughter on the head. Hard. And on purpose.  I paused when it happened to see what she'd do so that I didn't overreact and cause her to get more upset. Before he could...
Recently a co-worker, who is single and child-free, said something to me after she had been dealing with a particularly difficult patient. “Please don’t raise your sons to be jerks.”  I suppose I could have been offended, but if...
As moms, we are in it together - raising the future. We are a tribe of future makers. So let's support each other." - Marissa Hermer No other job requires as much heart and strength as being a mother. We...
Can you believe summer break is coming to an end and it's time for our kids to head back to school already?!  Get ready for an awesome school year and get a sneak peek of Children's Learning Adventure's preschool...
Heading to Preschool or Daycare School is right around the corner (if not here already!) for all of us, and if you're mom to a little one (like I am), it could mean a first school day experience at preschool...
As a local, mom-run business, there is nothing we are more passionate about than mompreneurs who are eager to make a living on their own terms, while being able to prioritize the needs of their families.  Direct sales and...
A couple years back, someone on Facebook asked for ideas for healthy alternatives to an annual ‘popsicle' party at her child's school. The comment storm that ensued was quite crazy...   It is just a popsicle.  Back off."   Readers suggesting that...
This summer my family and I set off on an epic west coast road trip.  We did a similar trip two years ago (you can read about that here).  This time we wanted to check out a few places...
You see them everywhere with their catchy sayings, witty humor, and baby announcements, but have you ever thought about making a letterboard of your own? Well, I did and here I will tell you exactly how I did it......
Going to the beach is always fun, especially during the hot Arizona summer months!  A few days at the beach is a much-needed retreat from the scorching Phoenix temperatures. There are plenty of activities to participate in; building sand...
Big Daddy Kane said it best “Pumpin' ain't easy”... Ok maybe he actually said pimpin' but obviously he hasn't attempted to extract milk from his nipples at all hours of the day or night (and sometimes in the most...
Did you attend Bloom: An Event for New and Expecting Moms this year?  We cannot get over all the love for mamas and community that is so apparent at this incredible event! If you attended, or are thinking about attending...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

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