Did you attend Bloom: An Event for New and Expecting Moms this year? We cannot get over all the love for mamas and community that is so apparent at this incredible event! If you attended, or are thinking about attending next year, we wanted to share some fun facts with you about Bloom.
- We proudly present Bloom: An Event for New and Expecting Moms annually in partnership with City Moms Blog Network.
- 50 cities across the country hosted an event this year!
- This year our event was sponsored by Phoenix Children’s Hospital and took place at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix.
- We had 150 attendees including new and expecting moms, a few dads, grandmothers, and mama friends!
- Every attendee went home with a swag bag that was overflowing with amazing products and items for moms and babies.
- Everyone who attended had a chance to win over 100 giveaways totaling over $7000!!! See full list of giveaways and Bloom sponsors here.
- We will proudly be hosting the event again NEXT year!
Thank you to everyone who attended Bloom and to each of our incredible sponsors:
Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Children’s Museum of Phoenix,
Desert Valley Pediatrics, Elevate Chiropractic, Midwives Rising, Whole Foods,
Baby Bump Ultrasound, Barre3, Fit4Mom, LuLaRoe, Musicology, NYDJ,
Fractured Prune Doughnuts, Sprinkles Cupcakes,
Esmay Therapy, Magnolia Styling, Sweets by Amy Lew,
Royalty Rentals, Graye’s Garden, Love Story Films,
and Agnes and Art Photo (thank you for perfectly capturing our event!)
If you are expecting or planning on expanding your family soon, be sure to sign up for our newsletter here. Subscribers will get premier access to Bloom ticket sales including the exclusive VIP tickets!!!
If you are a business wanting to connect with new and expecting moms and are eager to participate in Bloom next year, please email us at [email protected]. It is not too early to secure your sponsorship space for next year’s event!
Seriously my favorite event!!!