I have always been of the belief that all our bodies could possibly need can be found in food. I have never really been a big vitamin-taker. When my pediatrician wanted me to start giving my daughter iron-fortified vitamin drops, I told her that I didn’t want to do that. Instead I wanted to give her beef liver. She looked at me funny, of course, but in the end didn’t have a problem with that. You see, minerals and vitamins found in whole foods are there for a reason. They exist in harmony with many other vitamins and minerals and are much better absorbed by our bodies when consumed in their whole state. The iron present in beef liver is much more readily absorbed by our bodies than the iron in vitamin drops.
So, do our kids REALLY need supplements?
If our world were perfect, I don’t think they would. In a perfect world we would buy foods from our local farms (or grow the food ourselves), we would eat lots of fermented foods, avoid processed foods, and eat organ meats! Eating food would be simple and incredibly nourishing, and not so complicated!!
I am not discounting those who suffer from a medical condition or deficiency that require supplementation. By all means, please follow your doctor’s advice!
That being said, I do believe there are certain supplements that provide my family great value and benefit. I provide my family with whole food supplements complete with their synergistic vitamins and minerals. Real food, but concentrated!
My Favorite Supplements
Fish Oil
OmegaGize³™ combines the power of three core daily supplements-omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone). These supplements combine with Young Living’s proprietary enhancement essential oil blend to create an omega-3, DHA-rich fish oil supplement that may support general wellness. Used daily these ingredients work synergistically to support normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health.
DHA is a fatty acid that is essential to the health of the human nervous system and eyes. DHA is also vital for preventing depression and other mood disorders. Women who are pregnant should include plenty of DHA in their diet to ensure proper development of their baby’s nervous system. A diet containing an abundance of DHA may even prevent post partum depression.
EPA is a fatty acid that decreases inflammation throughout the body. Its anti-inflammatory properties are especially helpful to those suffering from arthritis, joint or muscle pain. Many studies show that EPA can play a strong role in preventing depression, both chronic and intermittent. EPA also promotes a healthy cardiovascular system.
Vitamin D helps children build strong bones and prevents osteoporosis in adults. This is because Vitamin D is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D also strengthens and enhances the immune system and decreases the risk of developing autoimmune conditions. Vitamin D also regulates blood sugar which may prevent type 2 diabetes. This essential vitamin may even play a role in preventing virtually every type of cancer.
OmegaGize³™ is also an excellent source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties which may help relieve the symptoms of arthritis, reduce stress, prevent allergies, relieve asthma, improve brain function and help with learning and behavioral disorders including bipolar syndrome.
Fish oil is pretty awesome stuff and I don’t want my kids (or myself!) to miss out on all of those benefits!
Desiccated Liver
Ounce per ounce, grass-fed beef liver is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the entire world. Dr. Weston A. Price, and healthy cultures throughout history, have praised the amazing health benefits of liver. Though once a kitchen staple and weekly meal, liver has nearly disappeared from the modern diet. I like to serve my family liver at least once a month, sometimes more. However, that doesn’t always happen. This is where desiccated liver fills in the gaps.
Desiccated Liver is grass-fed beef liver in its purest form; non-defatted and as close to nature as possible. Some people believe that liver stores toxins, when in fact, the liver filters toxins and stores vitamins and minerals. Because of its function, liver is one of the most nutrient dense superfoods in existence.
Health benefits of desiccated liver:
- Nutrient Dense Source of Naturally Occurring High Quality Protein
- Highest Concentrated Source of Vitamin A Found in Nature
- High Content of All B Vitamins, including B12
- Potent Source of Folic Acid
- Highly Bioavailable Form of Iron
- Good Source of Naturally Occurring Copper, Zinc, and Chromium
- High Content of Cardio-Vascular Function Boosting CoQ10
- Helps Repair DNA and RNA
- Boosts Energy
To get all of the benefits of fresh grass fed liver in a convenient capsule, simply choose a high quality desiccated beef liver supplement sourced only from healthy and happy cows.
You guys, this is the EASIEST way to get liver, and all of its wonderful nutritious goodness, into our bodies. If organ meat make you squeamish, desiccated liver is for you.
Collagen is good, good stuff folks. Collagen is pure protein that is perfect for healing and conditioning bones and joints and improving overall health. We get some collagen from the bone broth that I make on a regular basis. But since I really want to reap the benefits, I like to add it wherever I can.
Some collagen benefits:
- Promotes Healthy Bones and Joints
- Promotes Healthy Metabolism
- Promotes Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails
- Contains 90% Protein
- Highly Digestible and Bioavailable Nutrients
- Rapid Absorption Rate
- Room Temperature – Hot Water Soluble
- From Grass Fed Cows
- Minimally Processed
- Gluten Free
We consume fermented foods on a regular basis to ensure that our gut is populated with a whole host of beneficial bacteria. I am a big believer that health and wellness begins in the gut. Our gut flora is responsible for a healthy immune system, so making sure that beneficial bacteria are abundant and present is high on my priority list. If you have taken antibiotics, or any other prescribed drug, was formula fed as a baby, or have a compromised immune system, a regular probiotic regimen can help bring your gut flora back into balance.
Some other benefits from regular probiotic consumption include:
- Increase Healthy Gastrointestinal Micro-Flora
- Promotes a Healthy Gastro-Intestinal Environment
- Relieves Occasional Abdominal Discomfort and Bloating
- Alleviates Occasional Indigestion and Nausea
- Promotes a Normal Bowel Pattern
- Boost the Immune System
- Support Overall Wellness and Vitality
Bottom line is that supplementation is not one size fits all! And I now understand that it is naive to think that someone can get all they need from food – especially from the Standard American Diet. You or your kids may require certain supplementation due to a deficiency of some kind. For my family, I am choosing supplements that give us the MOST bang for our buck! Gut and brain health are incredibly important to us, so I choose to supplement for those first. The supplements I listed aren’t the ONLY supplements we take as a family – we also take Ningxia Red and Juice Plus for a whole body nutrient infusion. I chose the ones listed above because I think they are important for everyone!
Are you a supplement family? Which supplements do you take?
Thanks for these great thoughts! I’ve been thinking the same. We’ve done many supplements in the past but am wondering if these core food supplements are a better route. Can you give me an idea of how much you give kids on the liver? Never used it but have a 8 & 10 year old that can swallow pills and would like to try it for them. 1 capsule, 2? Thanks!