How to Make a DIY Letterboard


You see them everywhere with their catchy sayings, witty humor, and baby announcements, but have you ever thought about making a letterboard of your own? Well, I did and here I will tell you exactly how I did it… and if it was worth the time and effort.

DIY letterboard

First, you need to gather all your supplies which you can easily pick up at Joann’s, Hobby Lobby, Michaels’ and/or Amazon:

  • Yard of felt 
  • 1/8″ cut dowels 
  • Hot glue gun
  • Frame  
  • 1″ letters

All in all, you can make your own for under $30 depending on your frame and size.

DIY letterboardFirst, you may need to cut your dowels to fit your frame depending on the size. With mine, I ended up buying log dowels and cutting them to 12″ pieces. You can also buy pre-cut dowels.

Once the dowels are cut you’ll need to also cut strips of felt that will cover the dowels. 

Then you will use your hot glue gun to wrap the dowels with the felt. This was a bit time consuming, mostly because I had my two kids interrupting me throughout the process and I wasn’t smart enough to do it after bedtime.

Once you get the dowels covered place them into your frame. If they don’t fit snug enough you can hot glue them to the inside of the frame.

Voila! That’s how to make your own.  

Now, let me caution you….this doesn’t always come out great. I went through three different tries before I got it semi right.

Insider Tips:

Do not use any round dowel other than 1/8″.  

Make sure the felt is super snug against the dowel. 

Do a 12″ width frame and buy the precut dowels.

And, if trial and error or crafting aren’t your strong suits and you’re still stuck on having a letterboard, you can buy one on Etsy! 


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