Summer is here! What does that mean for AZ families? The days are much longer and the temperatures are rapidly rising! Kids are starting to drive their parents crazy and parents can't wait for school to start again! One way to soak in...
The changes in routines that come with summertime can throw anyone for a loop, but we're here to help with some fun summer activities to do with your kids in Phoenix! Let's bring back summer fun instead of just...
Hiking in Arizona offers an incredible opportunity for families to connect with nature and create lasting memories. Beyond the breathtaking landscapes and scenic trails, Arizona's diverse wildlife and flowers add an extra layer of excitement for your family to...
Are you prepared for the Monsoon season? Not sure how to prepare? We have tips from an Arizona native for you!   Arizona's monsoon season begins in June and continues through September. Monsoon season includes higher humidity, thunderstorms, heavy rain, lightning, hail,...
Ok so.. they call them “terrible 2’s” for an obvious reason, but in reality, having a 3-year-old can be harder than having a 2-year-old. If you feel like you are having a tough time with your 3-year-old, you are...
March and April give us two more opportunities to celebrate with our kids: St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Along with the joy these celebrations can bring, there’s also the chance that your child may ask if leprechauns and the...
Double or Nothing                 Double or nothing does not apply when having twins. You need some things, but do you really need double? Sure, having double matching everything is cute, but is it...
We’ve always seemed to have a successful bedtime routine until recently. Our two boys, ages 6 and 3, have really changed over the years and it was time to adapt our bedtime routine. Each night we did the usual routine...

The Power of a To-Do List

Our lives are beyond overwhelming with the constant juggles we face: managing a home, raising our kids, being the shuttle bus, working, trying to squeeze in quality time with our spouse, oh, and maybe make some time for ourselves...
There is nothing like cuddling with your little one in your lap or next to them in bed and reading a good book. My two-year-old twin boys adore books, and I hope this is a habit that they carry...
Whether it’s a close friend, spouse, partner, parent, child, or other relative, losing a loved one can feel overwhelming and heartbreaking. You may experience waves of intense and very difficult emotions, ranging from profound sadness, emptiness, and despair to...
Let’s imagine an all-too-familiar scenario for many: You've planned a day (or maybe even just part of an afternoon) for yourself. You’re looking forward to decompressing and relaxing for a few, precious moments. You deserve a breather, you tell yourself....
I'm not a dieter and I'm not really into resolutions. I just don't feel like I can ever make either work for me.   So, here are a couple of my tips, that I try to practice, for eating better all...
How Do We Motivate Our Kids Into Action? Every December I do a year in review and start planning my goals and resolutions for the year ahead.  Reflecting upon successes and failures, and recalibrating based on what I determine "really...
If you spend any time watching Lifetime's Countdown To Christmas, you'd get the impression that the Holiday season is about families filled with peace and love gathered around golden turkeys cooked to perfection. But of course we know that's...
I was scrolling through Facebook recently when I came across an article shared by the music class our sons have attended—it was talking about school age children being unable to hold a pencil and the serious lack of fine...
We all know that candles make a great addition to your home. While many of us love burning candles for the scent, the feel, or to add a relaxing touch, there are many other benefits that candles can provide...

5 Items TikTok Made Me Buy

Have you jumped on the TikTok train? I first joined just to watch all of the cute animal videos. Come on, who doesn't love watching a pug skateboard? But now, I love all of the how-to videos and fun...
Candle season has arrived! Yay! Not only are they filling up our homes with delightful warm scents but they can be peaceful, calming, and soothing after a long day. We all know that candles can get pricey depending on...
I have a little boy with a big heart, and this big heart of his makes him extra sensitive. He is a strong, sensitive boy, and as I parent, I work on guarding his heart and raising him with...
If you are struggling with keeping your child motivated in school, the first thing you should consider is if there is anything holding them back. Learning differences, social challenges, and emotional issues can cause children to disengage academically. There...
The Right Counselor Can Foster Resilience And Growth   As many as one in six children have a diagnosable Mental Health Disorder (, and finding the right counselor or child therapist to guide these children through the growing pains of childhood and...
Summer break is almost over which means back to school season has arrived! Advertisers' “back-to-school” campaigns are in full-effect, and a sense of excitement, nervousness, and stress begins to arise in children of all ages. As your children make...
Living in Arizona I have never wanted anything more during the summer than to spend my days in the pool. Also living in Arizona, I realized the sun shines differently here. I have lived a lot of places and...
Um, excuse me? How did summer fly by already? Back-to-school time is always bittersweet for me. It’s a twisted combination of “Yes! Now I can get back to our regularly scheduled life” and “Nooooooo!!! Say it ain’t so!” But...

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Out of Town Guests? Here are Six Spots to Bring Them!

As more and more people realize how much Phoenix has to offer, odds are good you'll eventually be hosting or at least meeting up...

Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide