The Second Annual 4th Trimester Arizona Conference was a fantastic success! The goal? To reach out to new families, provide education, and build a supportive community because those first three months after baby comes (and beyond!) can be tough. Over...
I am a first time kindergarten mom. I have no clue what I am doing, and I cried like a baby on my son's first day of school. We are almost a month into his kindergarten career, and I...
I was born in Mexico City and my parents gave me the gift of learning a second language at the early age of six. My parents learned English when they were young adults and realized that by gifting my...
Homework. We've all dreaded hearing the word come from the mouth of our teachers. Though some loved receiving an assignment that needed to be completed at home, others felt nothing but frustration. Homework is not something that is new in...
School is out. It’s hot. I’m feeling lazy and my kiddos are restless. What’s a mom to do? I can only allow my kids to melt their brains with YouTube for so long before I start having Phoenix-Summer mom...
Can You Hear Me Now? My Child Is Begging For A Cell Phone! I vividly remember when I started the campaign to get my own phone in my room.  I was a child of the 80's. The idea of sitting...
You have filled your summer with countless popsicles, outings to the splash pads and maybe a vacation to cooler temps, but are you still looking for the perfect Phoenix preschool for your little one? Maybe child care for your...
Are you looking for a school for your child(ren)?  If so, be sure to read below for 10 Reasons to Choose BASIS Phoenix Primary! Tuition-free, world class education: BASIS Phoenix Primary is a tuition-free public charter school providing students with a...
Is homework a nightly battle with your child? Students often struggle to complete independent work at home due to a variety of factors. Sustaining attention, avoiding distractions and mastering the material are all examples of possible struggles that students...
March 14th is recognized around the world as Pi Day. Are you wondering, What in the world is Pi and why does it have it's own day?” Well, you probably aren’t alone. We’ve got some ideas on how to...
Becoming a mom was never a part of the plan.  From a young age, my dream of becoming a career woman was absolutely certain. The future I envisioned consisted of completing a Doctorate in Philosophy, working my way up in...
Join Phoenix Country Day School Pre-K Teachers for Storytime on Saturday, October 21st at 10am.  I can reeeeeead!” Our four year old daughter, Charlotte, bounds into the family room as she clutches the board book, Yummy, Yucky. You know the one:...
Choosing a preschool for your child is one of the first major decisions you make as a parent. It can be stressful and overwhelming. Fortunately, Developing Minds Academy is here to help. Developing Minds Academy is a dual language English/Spanish...
As I write this, our state in experiencing the most historic movement in public education since…really, ever. With an affirmative vote of teachers from across the state, a walk-out has been scheduled to protest the need for increased funding...
Can you believe summer break is coming to an end and it's time for our kids to head back to school already?!  Get ready for an awesome school year and get a sneak peek of Children's Learning Adventure's preschool...
Do you have a student in high school? If so, the conversation around the dinner table may likely be about your kid's next steps - will they continue on and pursue further education, join the military, go on a...
The Shops at Norterra Kicks Off Their Annual Summer Reading Program The Shops at Norterra are helping Valley school children avoid the “summer slide” and keep up their reading skills during summer break. Running through August 6th, kids ages 6...
Two weeks after I gave birth, I found myself checked back into the hospital. But, this time, my husband checked me into a psychiatric facility and my newborn daughter wasn’t allowed to visit me. Instead, my husband brought printed...
The 2018-19 school year marks my 7th year of teaching. And with my master’s in secondary English education, whatever grade you can assume I’ve taught, I’ve done more… Well, most of it. From early education to middle school and...
Before becoming a mom I only knew the term “redshirting” as it pertained to college athletics; however, that all changed after our August baby was born. Once our son turned two we started to casually talk about preschool—where he...
Millennials. We’re on the receiving end of a lot of criticism these days. Every time you turn around there’s another meme or video poking fun at the “me me me” generation. Sometimes I even find myself in complete and...
If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent many hours daydreaming about space travel; maybe you’ve even considered home décor for retirement on Mars. So, when I heard of an opportunity to watch the Orion parachute tests, I knew I...
It's spring conference season- whether you have already had meetings with your kids' teachers or are getting ready for them, I want to admit to you that I cried at school conferences again... in fact, I have cried at...
In the weeks leading up to Kindergarten, we were excited! We shopped for supplies. We talked about all the new friends she would make and how much fun she would have at school. The night before, we marked the...
Bring up the word homeschool and you’ll get two completely different responses: one gets it and other doesn’t. One says encouraging words and other might recommend you not do it. I’ve been wanting to homeschool my children for a few years...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

Leap Day Deals & Specials

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Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide

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