I practically grew up at the Public Library in Tempe. My memories are full of my single mom lugging me, my two sisters, and two brothers into the van and involve either a story time, checking out handfuls of...
The Elementary School years are some of the most formative years of your children's early life. There are SO MANY wonderful schools in our area to choose from. To make it easier for you to see your options, we...
I was born in Mexico City and my parents gave me the gift of learning a second language at the early age of six. My parents learned English when they were young adults and realized that by gifting my...
My kid hates school and the best thing I ever did was stop trying to change his mind.  I stopped trying to convince him that school was great or had value… and I started really listening. What was it...
The teen years are tough for everyone: parents and teens alike. Having two teenage boys myself, I can speak from professional and personal experience. Riding the daily mood swings of a teen can lead to emotional whiplash if a...
Being in the financial industry, I have had the privilege of observing many different families, their behaviors, thoughts on money and spending habits. I find it interesting that people can vary so drastically on their views on money, these...
I am a first time kindergarten mom. I have no clue what I am doing, and I cried like a baby on my son's first day of school. We are almost a month into his kindergarten career, and I...
In the weeks leading up to Kindergarten, we were excited! We shopped for supplies. We talked about all the new friends she would make and how much fun she would have at school. The night before, we marked the...
For a lot of kids, the final weeks of summer mean anticipating new school clothes, learning about future teachers and looking forward to catching up with last year's school friends.  But for others, the transition back to the classroom...
Thank you to our campaign sponsors at We Can Do This for supporting Phoenix Moms and the safety of our families. This content was paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. To find a COVID-19...
Microschools are gaining popularity in the Phoenix area as families search for flexibility due to the pandemic and the ever-changing variants. While some parents prefer remote learning in the current COVID-19 climate, others are seeking schooling options elsewhere. Micro...
  It's that time of year again...Back To School and Sports Physicals  You know the end of summer break. When everyone starts shopping for school clothes and supplies. To me this time of year means sports physical rush. Most of my experience...
Covid has really increased the time we spend in our house. Being constantly in the house with a baby and a four year old has been rough. My house was getting messy more often and I was struggling to...
Covid 19 has really changed the landscapes of schools in 2020. One of the effects for schools is a move to virtual learning. This has been one the biggest and hardest challenges for students, teachers, and parents. It's a...
The start to this school year, like the end to the last school year, is going to be a little strange. I know I'm not the only parent feeling overwhelmed with how different it will be and with the...
School is out. It’s hot. I’m feeling lazy and my kiddos are restless. What’s a mom to do? I can only allow my kids to melt their brains with YouTube for so long before I start having Phoenix-Summer mom...
This school year will be one for all of us to remember. Most Arizona students headed off to Spring Break having no idea that they wouldn’t step foot in their classroom again for the rest of the school year....
It's spring conference season- whether you have already had meetings with your kids' teachers or are getting ready for them, I want to admit to you that I cried at school conferences again... in fact, I have cried at...
As a full-time wife, homemaker, and mother of three, and a part-time photographer and blogger, I have a lot on my plate. I try really really hard to do it all. But sometimes I fall short. Sometimes I just...
The search for excellent childcare remains many parents' most challenging pursuit. As many begin the process, their questions turn into a long list of concerns, requirements, and desires for the perfect place for their children to thrive.  When my oldests,...
Can You Hear Me Now? My Child Is Begging For A Cell Phone! I vividly remember when I started the campaign to get my own phone in my room.  I was a child of the 80's. The idea of sitting...
"Middle School Can Be A Wild Ride" A couple of years ago, one of my son's elementary school teachers summarized perfectly the tween years.  My son was approaching 6th grade and I asked for her thoughts.  She said, "Be prepared....
Video Gaming Then & Now I remember when my family got our video gaming console in the 1980s. I grew up in a small town in Indiana, where summers were for running around outdoors, but the winters could be brutally...
“Is my child ready for preschool school?” If you’re the parent of a young child, or children, chances are you’ve asked yourself this question. We all want to make sure we’re giving our children every advantage and opportunity we can....
I grew up in a small town, and we didn't have many options for shopping. But we did have a Walmart! I remember asking my Granny to take me to Walmart because it was my happy place. Truth be...

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Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide

We all want our children to learn and grow in a safe and loving environment. When it's time for your child to start attending...