The start to this school year, like the end to the last school year, is going to be a little strange. I know I’m not the only parent feeling overwhelmed with how different it will be and with the ever changing plans. And if I’m feeling that way I can only imagine how the teachers trying to prepare for our littles are feeling! With all the changes in routine our kids have been through this year, I want to be sure our family maintains some of our favorite back to school traditions. So here’s how we’ll be marking the new school year, even though we know it will be an unusual time:
“Last Sundae Before School”
A favorite family tradition of book-ending the summer is ice cream. We have ice cream for breakfast the day after school is over and an ice cream sundae bar for dessert the final Sunday before school starts again. We are still planning to do this and our kids are already dreaming about what flavor of ice cream they should request.
New School Supplies
Back to school shopping was one of my favorite back to school traditions when I was a kid. I still swoon over stufff like new pens to color code my planner! While we won’t start the year in a classroom, and most homework will probably be done on a Chromebook, there’s something so hopeful about shopping for brand new pencils and notebooks and other school supplies. It may be online instead of in person this year, but I still plan to include the kids in picking out something they are excited to learn in their learning, and maybe even a special first day of school outfit.
First Day of School pictures
Of all the back to school traditions, this one is the biggest non negotiable for me and for many of my fellow mamas. Whether you use a letter board, a chalkboard, or just a printed piece of paper, there is something so special about marking the first day of each grade in the same way. We print out pages that have “all about me” questions as well and take a picture of our kids holding them. They include questions like who their teacher is that year, what they want to be when they grow up, and more. Here’s hoping that once again the last day of school pictures feel like they are happening in a totally different world- only for the better this time!
We want our kids to know that no matter what happens, their education will go on, and that learning and curiosity remain core values for our family. Maintaining our back to school traditions will help us get that message across. We may even add an extra tradition this year like having a back to school party to help boost their excitement and remind them that even though it looks different, we can still get excited about the learning and growth that will happen between now and May!