About 9 years ago, my now 10 year old daughter almost lost her thumb. She was a great sleeper, but one particular night she woke up on and off throughout the entire night. My husband and I would take...
Hi West Valley Moms! It's warming up! Time to break out the swimsuits and popsicles, right? We're already seeing lots of chatter on Instagram about our warm weather. If you're new around here West Valley Moms is on Instagram! Instagram is a fun...
I love anything cute that helps me be more organized. Well, this company - Office Candy - is right up that alley. Did you click on the link…don't they have cute, super functional stuff? What a great idea to...
These homemade lotion bars are easy to make with as little as three ingredients and work great on dry skin; especially dry, cracked heals. They are perfect for our sandal weather that we'll be having for the next many...
Thanks for your patience everyone! We are happy to announce the giveaway winners for the "Applebee's Jazzed Up Flavors of Bourbon Street" and the "Premama Prenatal Vitamin Drink Mix" :)
First comes the winner of the $50 Gift Card to Applebee's!
Drumroll please...............!
Today, I'm going to share a really simple, really quick DIY project that you can give to little girls (or boys) in your life. Most kids like to replicate what they see their parents doing, and watching someone put...
It would be the understatement of the year to say that my family's life is a little crazy right now. I'm working full time and my husband is staying with my kids and finishing up school (graduation in one...
I am a Mom of a two and a half year old and a four year old, AND I nanny for two little boys that are the exact same age. I am always trying to think of fun ideas...
Has your child ever said something so cute or funny and you think to yourself "I really want to remember that?" Days later, or even moments later, the thought is fleeting and you're racking your brain trying to remember...
Hi West Valley Moms! I hope you're enjoying your Spring Break and this beautiful AZ weather! We're now in April so you know what that means - we're talking about West Valley Moms on Instagram in March! If you're...
I don't know about you mamas but when it comes to meal planning I struggle. I have a hard time coming up with new and delicious recipes instead of the same old repeats. I too easily settle for the...
Happy March friends! It's almost Spring Break, can you believe it? Time for temps to start warming up and for more pictures of the outdoors to start popping up on Instagram! If you're new around here West Valley Moms is on...
Have you heard of the adorable organic baby clothing line, Pickle Peas? They're an innovative company that has thought of a cute way to make a bib part of your outfit in cute and fun ways, and the best part...
I find as a mother, or maybe just as a woman, I tend to overanalyze, over plan, over think... I compare myself to others who appear (via their social media updates and pictures) to have lives that are easier, more exciting,...
Looking for something fun to do with your kids this St. Patrick's Day? Plan a visit from a leprechaun! When I was teaching, one of my favorite traditions was having a leprechaun come visit our classroom. Now that I...
I have to admit, that we don't buy baby food. With both of our girls we have decided to just feed our babies what we eat (appropriate to their chewing and swallowing abilities). So, I'm not an expert on...
Easy Breakfast Recipes
Isn’t it amazing how much of a difference breakfast choices can make in your morning? Our family found this out about 18 months ago when I started working from home, which finally gave me the chance to...
Do you like to cook? And do you like to eat? Or maybe you just like to eat, and need some inspiration in the cooking department. Well, West Valley Cooking Club has a few openings this spring. The group...
If you are part of the Pinterest world, you have probably seen the idea of sensory bins floating around. If you are anything like I was, you are probably wondering what in the world they are and what is...
Who says you can't garden in the desert? I planted my first fall garden in Phoenix in 2011. I honestly didn't do much research, just went to a local nursery, picked up some small plants according to what sounded...
It's funny that I had worked with kids for several years as a teacher, but until now, had missed out on an entire facet of my career. I think I was a pretty solid teacher before kids, but after...
Hello! This is my first blog post for West Valley Moms Blog and although I had planned on writing about gratitude (next time!), I thought it appropriate with today being Valentine's Day to write about a few of my...
Hello WVMB readers, we are happy to introduce a few new "voices" that you'll be hearing from this year. We have 4 new writers who will joining our team. Get excited for some fresh and fun new posts and...
I love baby showers, and I love births, and I love birthdays. I don't always love shopping for them. Mostly because I never know what would be most helpful to get the mom to be or the new baby....
Let's be honest. You currently have it or at one point have had it. The itch all of us women get to carry, birth, and raise a child. When you have this itch it's hard when all you see...