Making and Sharing a “Hug” {Day 3 of 8 Days of DIY Holiday Gifts}
Technically it is a heating pad, but really with all this homemade love put into it, I cannot help but think of it as a hug. Think about it- you are cold or hurting-...
Fall Fun Series: GCU’s Fall Festival
Coming to Phoenix from the Midwest, I just was not sure how to preserve the joys of the fall season for my family. I mean, truly, it is still 90 most days and the...
Learn and Play Together – at a puppet show!
The birthing stories have taken us across so many deep, intimate emotions over the last few weeks. At the same time many of our children have been reminding us that they are ready to...
Loves Labor Learned…and birthed
Our daughter went to second grade yesterday. It really does just seem like yesterday that I held her scrunchy little newborn self in my arms and couldn’t imagine that time would exist outside that...
Books in your home… where to start?
It was a big day in our household. Our daughter (6) approached me with what she thought was a big request: “Mom, could we go to the bookstore and buy me a chapter book?”...