There is nothing like cuddling with your little one in your lap or next to them in bed and reading a good book. My two-year-old twin boys adore books, and I hope this is a habit that they carry...
Have mealtimes in your home become a battle of the wills, with your kids turning up their noses at the nutritious meal you just prepared? Eating well doesn't have to be hard or boring, or mean that you and...
Oh my goodness, mamas, last year was hard. I can’t be the only one holding my breath hoping that it will end soon. Some days, the duration of this season just feels too hard.If there is anything 2020 highlighted...
I am not one to set a new year’s resolution. I never bought into it. I lacked consistency and discipline to actually stick to a weight loss resolution. That is really the only resolution I would have made, had...
My kid hates school and the best thing I ever did was stop trying to change his mind.  I stopped trying to convince him that school was great or had value… and I started really listening. What was it...
If you spend any time watching Lifetime's Countdown To Christmas, you'd get the impression that the Holiday season is about families filled with peace and love gathered around golden turkeys cooked to perfection. But of course we know that's...
This holiday season, in addition to the fruitcakes and mistletoe, plaid-clad family photos and requisite piles of gifts near the menorah or Christmas tree -- or whatever you observe, there’s one other gift I urge you to consider gifting...

Gratitude Guilt

The Thanksgiving and December holidays are supposed to be the season of gratitude. Which is lovely, unless it makes you feel stressed and guilty. For many of us, the next couple of months are incredibly challenging and gratitude seems...
Each year I am determined to try to keep our family's immune systems as supported as possible.  There is no doubt we are going to be exposed to something, but I hope my family's immune systems are strong to fight...
Be sure and visit the Arizona Science Center's newest exhibit - Going Places: The Technology of Transportation. The Arizona Science Center is such a magical place. As mamas, you know the littles who love to ask, “but why?” umpteen times...
Does it ever feel unfair that you drop off a smiling kid at school and pick up a hot mess? That school gets the “best” of your kid. The hope of a child skipping out of school, smiling from...
mom funk

Fighting the Mom Funk

Motherhood can be overwhelming. All consuming. Debilitating. One moment your life is your own, your body is your own, your time is your own. Then the next thing you know, you have a baby and are thrown into a...
The teen years are tough for everyone: parents and teens alike. Having two teenage boys myself, I can speak from professional and personal experience. Riding the daily mood swings of a teen can lead to emotional whiplash if a...
I have a little boy with a big heart, and this big heart of his makes him extra sensitive. He is a strong, sensitive boy, and as I parent, I work on guarding his heart and raising him with...
September is Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Awareness Month. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a special place. It’s a place with many happy moments for some and many sad moments for others. This place is filled with amazing nurses...
Being in the financial industry, I have had the privilege of observing many different families, their behaviors, thoughts on money and spending habits. I find it interesting that people can vary so drastically on their views on money, these...
I am a first time kindergarten mom. I have no clue what I am doing, and I cried like a baby on my son's first day of school. We are almost a month into his kindergarten career, and I...
But school is where all the kids are, right? It’s what movies, social media, and perhaps even your own experience has convinced adults, that your child will find their BFF at school. In fact, not having friends is one...
Raising children is no easy feat. Sure, it’s been done for generations ... but when you think about how this little human is going to learn how to be a good human from you (and their loved ones), it...
In the weeks leading up to Kindergarten, we were excited! We shopped for supplies. We talked about all the new friends she would make and how much fun she would have at school. The night before, we marked the...
Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I remember lining up my stuffed animals as a young girl to "teach" them whatever lesson I had planned. I would read them stories and show them how...
Communicating with your child's teachers can be a triggering event for some parents. We wonder when or if we should. We worry if we’re going to be seen as “too much." Or, we wait too long, and then the...
For a lot of kids, the final weeks of summer mean anticipating new school clothes, learning about future teachers and looking forward to catching up with last year's school friends.  But for others, the transition back to the classroom...
I bet many of you shop for milk just like how I used to shop in the dairy section of the grocery store. I used to just pick the cheapest gallon of milk, or I would pick the one...
Opening Up Lines Of Communication On Differing Opinions One of the most sacred aspects of my job as a mental health therapist, especially when working with teens, is watching a person grapple with new ideas about themselves and their worldview. ...

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Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide

We all want our children to learn and grow in a safe and loving environment. When it's time for your child to start attending...