Ellie (3 years old): "Where are we going?" Me: "I told you -  the market." Ellie: "We passed it already!" Me: "Oh . . . yeah. We are going to an outdoor market. Uh. . . we are going to...

Dating at the Age of 3

My husband and I made the decision that we would allow our daughter to start dating at the age of 3. A bit unconventional? That's putting it gently. And get this, super protective dad wasn't even curious about the...
My daughter, my first born, did not get her first tooth until she was 16 months old. As much as I adored that pink gummy smile, at some point, I was pretty certain I was going to have to...
  Want your photos on your phone to really make an impact?! We are guessing your answer is YES! So many of us rely on our camera phone these days because, let's face it, a DSLR is great but it's...
Today is a special day! It's National Pharmacist Day!! Pharmacists are special people. Every year, they are rated highly on the Gallup Most Trustworthy profession survey.  This was an often quoted statistic when I was in pharmacy school. I worked as...
Today is National Milk Day... and what goes best with milk? Cookies of course. Better yet, Girl Scout Cookies! They go on sale on January 26th!!! And for the first time in the organization's history, some girl scouts will...

STYLE: Lovely lashes

I've mentioned before that I'm not a huge makeup person...Now, let me clarify. I don't have a ton of makeup. I don't wear a ton of makeup. But, I do have several FAVORITE items that I love and wear...
January is National Bath Safety Month. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, thousands of children are injured or killed in bathroom accidents annually. We wanted to give you some tips on how to keep your bathroom safe. Water Temperature: It's...
"in summer!" So I might be a tad crazy, but maybe not? I am leaning towards not ... I'm always on the hunt for a good deal so that means I start shopping for summer clothes right after Christmas! Let's be real....
As Christmas fast approaches we are sharing a few of our favorite companies with our readers. OiOi is right up there because they keep us organized while looking super chic! A personal/mommy goal of mine is to always be...
On the blog today we have Aubrey of Aubrey Kinch Design! She is one of our favorite designers and lifestyle/fashion bloggers. A must on your list of gals to follow for her freebie designs, A+ styles and lovely life outlook. Today Aubrey shares her...
I can't tell you how picky I am for all things related to my kids. I know, all us moms are. But I'm ALWAYS searching for items that are not only fabulous but functional. When I saw these amazing...

DIY: Homemade Candles

Every year we try and think of a thoughtful, yet inexpensive gift to get all the people in our lives like teachers, dance instructors, neighbors, and friends. The list is usually long, so we've learned that if we make...
I know, I know what is a holiday without all the lights, food, music, and gifts giving?! Not a holiday that is worth remembering if you ask me. Well that is what I would have said before this last...
Tis the day we give Thanks for all of the things in our lives that make it better. The little things and the big ones. The ones that are celebrated on Hallmark cards, and the ones that more subtly...
This month we share our family stories. Every family has many of them; I am going to share a few of our family's in three vignettes. Act One- My mother-in-law, Roswitha ("Rosie") was born and grew up a few miles away...

STYLE: Bath Salt DIY

Today we have a simple DIY from local AZ mom + photographer Jessica Flecky of Flecky Fotography. As you can see here, Jessica offers up a easy + awesome DIY that any of us moms can do! Take the time to...
When I was a child, there were so many things I wanted to be when I grew up. A veterinarian, a professional soccer player, a marine biologist, a garbage man (yes....that's right.....a garbage man, eh hem, garbage WOMAN).....just to...
November is National Family Stories Month in the United States, and we are sharing a few of our stories with  you this month. Nichole is first up in this Tuesday series, with a story written for her eldest daughter Ellie...
Before I had my children swirling around my feet as I attempted to cook dinner....or make a phone call...or go to the bathroom, before I spent many, MANY, meals attempting to feed my children a variety of organic steamed...
A belly + baby vintage photo booth set up was the perfect touch to our event. We think you all would agree. A very special thank you to Malia B. Photography for taking these complimentary Belly + Baby photos of...
There are times in life when it's good to stop and reflect. Today is one of those days! We thought we'd give you, our readers, the why behind what we do on this little ol' blog. We know that as...
As I write this, I feel as though I need to tag this post with some sort of a disclaimer...which is troubling really since this series is all about increasing acceptance and judging less. However, when I broached the...
We are so thrilled to announce the giveaway winner for the $50 Gift Certificate to As You Wish Pottery!!! So, without further ado....... OUR WINNER IS: Shelly! Who said she would paint: "A plate for Santa’s cookies (and carrots for Rudolph). " Congrats...
Image via As most of us local Phoenix moms have heard there have been a couple of cases of children with sudden deaths and this has sparked the question, "Has enterovirus reached Phoenix + the West Valley?" We posted about first...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

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