There are times in life when it’s good to stop and reflect. Today is one of those days! We thought we’d give you, our readers, the why behind what we do on this little ol’ blog.
We know that as a mom, it’s easy to get caught in the mundane tasks of household chores, the hustle and bustle of shuffling kids around, and washing the laundry or doing the dishes AGAIN! We wanted there to be a way that you could step out from underneath that and have an outlet- whether that be a Mom’s Night Out, a playdate, or just read an encouraging post on motherhood!
Here is specifically what we LOVE about running North Phoenix Moms Blog:
1) The Community. We have met SO many wonderful moms as well as local business owners that we adore! Our focus is to connect local moms together AND show local businesses some much needed LOVE too. Building community! Making our BIG cities feel smaller. It’s truly a beautiful thing. If we hadn’t had been a part of this, we may have missed these opportunities and we are SO glad we didn’t! Not to mention the connections and relationships we’ve built with our contributors!
2) Mommy Time. Like mentioned above, sometimes as moms we just need an outlet! That goes for us moms blog site owners too! This blog gives us the ability to plan, create, and do something that we are passionate about (we are proud mamas!). So, in planning our Mom’s Night Out events and Playdates, we keep that in mind! We know that it’s nice to get out every now in then WITH the kiddos in toll and talk to some other moms to vent, or just sit down for crying out loud while our kids play happily 🙂 Then there are times when we’ve gotta be FREE!!!!! Get in the car, pump our favorite tunes (loudly!!), and go somewhere to have a fun night out! Not only do us site owners get to enjoy and plan these events, but we also feel the reward of helping other moms get their much needed breaks too… it’s magical. Seriously.
3) The Flexibility. When you run your own blog, there is the beauty of flexibility. Sometimes you are ON.YOUR.GAME.; things are rocking and rolling- you have sponsors who are helping you by providing additional income to your sweet family, blog posts are being pumped out with ease, and you’re living life in the fast lane! Then there are times when your life gets crazy with the family (you know the feeling, right?!) and you have to take a step back, coast for a while, and take care of numero UNO- your family! Being a site owner gives you the flexibility and opportunity to take your “job” at whatever pace you feel comfortable with- and that is such a treasure when you are a busy mama!
We know we have a lot of local followers, but if you are reading this from another city or know of someone who would be interested in starting their own local moms blog, please spread the word!!!
Are you ready to make an impact on your local mom community? Are you ready to join a passionate Network of moms?
If you or someone you know might be interested in connecting moms in your community with us, jump at this opportunity to join CMBN with your own Sister Site by filling out our Start a Sister Site Information Form.
We are having tons of fun making a difference in our local mom communities and would love to share this experience with more moms around the country!
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