I love anything cute that helps me be more organized. Well, this company - Office Candy - is right up that alley. Did you click on the link…don't they have cute, super functional stuff? What a great idea to...
Today, we have a few things to offer you... We'll be talking about Applebee's Jazzed Up Flavors of Bourbon Street menu, giving you some great tips from Applebee's chef Patrick for your summer shrimp cooking, plus offering you a giveaway! My...
Recently I was told by a fellow book lover about a local bookstore that I had to visit!  As I pulled up to the used bookstore about a month later, I thought to myself that this may be where...
All you pregnant and nursing mommas out there need to try this! Premama Prenatal Vitamin mix is a doctor-recommmeded mix full of essential vitamins and minerals. Some benefits of Premama include: nausea relief  (Next pregnancy- I can't wait to see if this...
  I don't know about you mamas but when it comes to meal planning I struggle. I have a hard time coming up with new and delicious recipes instead of the same old repeats. I too easily settle for the...
Thanks to all who entered the Buddy Fruits giveaway. We have a winner!!! Congratulations to........... Kimber "Oh man, so cute! We’re in the mega drool stage over here! I love the owl and the cow….oh and that Pirate ship would totally make...
Have you heard of the adorable organic baby clothing line, Pickle Peas? They're an innovative company that has thought of a cute way to make a bib part of your outfit in cute and fun ways, and the best part...
I have to admit, that we don't buy baby food. With both of our girls we have decided to just feed our babies what we eat (appropriate to their chewing and swallowing abilities). So, I'm not an expert on...
Today I am excited to review a place my little family frequently visits- The Shops at Norterra! We live in North Phoenix and we have our "go-to" places when we feel like getting out of the house, and Norterra...
 We have a FABULOUS giveaway starting today! The Shops at Norterra (off of Happy Valley Rd & the I-17 Freeway) have given us a $100 Gift Card for one of you lucky ladies to win! How awesome is that?! A shopping...


The giveaway winner of the book, "The Night Before My Birthday" is................................. Robin!!! Congratulations. We will be contacting you! Thanks to all of you who entered and don't be discouraged, our next giveaway is worth $100! Stay tuned.
I'm so excited to share with you a unique book, family tradition, and experience today! A couple weeks ago, Joni sent me a copy of "The Night before My Birthday Book," which was perfect timing because my daughter turned...
One of my favorite conversations in the play Cyrano de Bergerac occurs when the powerful De Guiche taunts the romantic-at-heart Cyrano and calls him a Don Quixote, idiotically picking fights with windmills. De Guiche warns Cyrano that fighting the...
Last Friday, I shared the Mommébox subscription with you.  I showed you what was in the December Mommébox and today I am going to share with you what the January box included!  If you missed the first post, click...
Mommébox is a subscription service where every month you get a box full of goodies.  It's like opening a present created just for you once a month!  It is filled with beauty and lifestyle products to pamper moms like...

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Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide

We all want our children to learn and grow in a safe and loving environment. When it's time for your child to start attending...