Lately, I've been letting mom brain get the best of me at night.  I lie in bed thinking about all the things I need to do.  I think about all the things I didn't do.  I think about all...
“Honey, let’s get a dog! It will protect us, inspire us to get more exercise, and be a wonderful companion when we have kids!” That was me six years ago. “Don’t do it! You will regret it! Having a pet...
Dear Three Year Old, I am not sure what you did with my sweet child, but I want him back! I know your brain is growing and you are trying to figure things out, but you have made it really...
Dear Binky, You have been the little helper every mother needs and wants. When you are around, the world is quiet and peaceful, the colors are brighter, and I am actually able to drink my coffee in peace. You came...
Can you picture your life without social media? I was in a 5th grade classroom the other day and the students were having a discussion about how different life is now compared to life during the Colonial Time period. They...
Let's face it. We have all been there.....we have felt the judgement of others for decisions we make in raising our children. If we really dig deep, I bet we can all admit to a time that maybe, just...
As a mom, there are days where running away and becoming a monk, just to get a moment of silence, sounds oddly appealing. These days usually precede sleepless nights, whiny days, missed naps, and tantrum-fueled meltdowns. Most importantly, these...
Being Present. What does it mean to you? Is it putting down your phone at dinner time? Or is getting down on your kid's level and playing without a care? This has been one of my most frequent thoughts...
As a new school year begins, so does the scheduling and so do the inevitable school mornings. Getting our lives organized is essential to getting to school on time and with all necessary items. And this my friends is...
The other day I went to a workshop titled “Change” by The Zen Bird. I went because I don’t like change and wanted to see if there were any directional tools I could use to help cope when change...
As a mama of a freshly-minted five year old who is eagerly counting down the days until her first day of Kindergarten, I can speak from experience when I say that the school-days roll around all too quickly. On...

No Spend January

With the Holidays behind us, the new year brings a perfect time for a change in behaviors that may not be serving me or my happiness. This year, it means taking a long hard look at my spending habits...
As a Mom of two GIRLS we have our momens of HIGH emotion responses and struggles for my daughters to get along! Though we don't experince the wrestling, punching, hitting aggresive behavior, we still endure the loud shrieks, crys,...
When I told people I was pregnant, they started calling me mom, mama, mommy right away. I didn’t know how to respond, we had been trying for a long time and I still didn’t think it was real, even...
I wish I could tell you there is a checklist or system to follow. Organization is what helps comfort me when I have to make decisions. But this is messy, it’s difficult, and not at all like the celebrities...
Self-care is a trending topic amongst women, particularly mothers, right now. It’s common to see friends and fellow mamas post images of their spa day or shopping spree in the name of #selfcare. On occasion, we dig deeper and...
Oh husbands. How we love you dearly. Your amazing partners in life and fun-loving dads to our littles. But please remember the grass is NOT always greener on the other side. My sweet husband constantly makes remarks about how...
We have all had the days ... the days where you feel like you're going to wake up and conquer the world, and, well, it just doesn't go that way. AT ALL.  I had one of these days recently....

When a Loved One Isn’t There

Introducing my kids to my father didn't go as I had always thought it would. I always planned my dad to be with me and meet my babies in the flesh. But that’s not how it worked out. My...
Last year around this time, I felt compelled to write my story of losing two precious babies through miscarriage. I ended up just not having the words to share and since it is so near and dear to my...
Dear Love Bug (ironic considering the topic of this letter...), Just a few day ago I had the good fortune of being one of the parents in attendance at your 1st grade Valentine's Day party! During those 90 minutes or...
My husband and I recently (somewhat recently) took a much needed get away to Seattle, sans children.  Thank goodness for helpful grandparents.  While there I was able to reconnect with a girlfriend that I hadn’t seen since before I...
If there is one thing us moms are great at, it's being able to commiserate with one another. We've been through so many of the same things that it's easy to nod, say "mmhmm," and give some witty advice...or...
I will admit it.....I am a germophobe mom. I fear germs, and my goal is to keep my kids as healthy as possible. I know kids will be kids, and they will ultimately get a cold or some type...
I am that typical, wanderlust filled chick. I am the woman that would get a tattoo of the world, or the mountains, or ocean, or all three! I love traveling. My husband and I have both traveled far and...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

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