Parents know having kids is inexplicably hard and magical at the same time. One minute you feel like you are rocking it and the next you want to just hide in your bed under the covers. These feelings can...
My kids are loud. Really loud. They're the kind of kids who start talking the moment they wake up and don't stop until bedtime. And I'm pretty sure at least one of them talks in his sleep. They're loud....

How to Live on One Income

When my husband and I found out we were expecting a baby, our first conversation revolved around the possibility of me staying home, meaning we would be living as a single income family. We didn’t come to a conclusion...
I follow a mom on Instagram who recently lost her young baby to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It was a complete and total tragedy, but one that plagues the mind with endless questions of whether or not it could...
Maybe you have heard of it via social media or perhaps a friend is into it, but baby led weaning is sweeping the baby scene. What is this magic, and can it help my child eat what I'm already...
Giving birth and bringing a new baby into this world is considered a magical and heartwarming experience. On the other hand, it’s also one of the most mentally and physically draining experiences you can have. The birth of my...
So I'm sure you all remember that dreaded well-check appointment...the one when the pediatrician tells you that your baby will start to bud teeth soon. They say usually around 6 months or so that you will notice drooling and...
Love at furst sight We got our dog the week before our wedding ... obviously we weren’t thinking very clearly! We had been wanting a dog for a few years and when we saw her, we just knew she had...
Summer is upon us and if you’re like me, the thought and reality of triple digit temperatures makes you want to escape to a cool, dark place until it’s over (see you in October!). Add a summer birthday party...
Where once a baby lay, now a toddler stands... This afternoon as you awoke from your nap, still half-asleep, you sat your precious little body next to mine on the couch; and as you slowly sunk into the cushions...
A few months ago I got into a friendly debate with another mom about why I feel it's important to teach my boys that they have a penis and not a "wee-wee." After talking with some of my friends...
While sitting 9 months pregnant with my feet up, my husband and I shared our concerns, fears, and excitement about being a second time parent. While we know each child can and will be so different, we had a...
I really enjoy gift giving and have a hard time buying people gift cards, or sending something that they could buy anywhere.  Sure, I do both, but I try to minimize it as much as I can.  I have...
Turn It Up! When my son hit the scene he came in with a bang and blew my heart wide open.  My beautiful gift of a spirited and idiosyncratic kid that never slept, never wanted to leave my side, recited...
Family photos and I have a love/ hate relationship. I love getting the family all dressed up, I love having pictures to hang on my wall, and I love creating lasting memories. What do I hate about them? Getting...
When we welcomed our first child into the world, it was unlike anything else I'd ever experienced. The very minute I met my baby, my chest filled up with so much love I thought I might explode because I...
In April 2017, my youngest child was born and so began maternity leave. While it had been over 3 years since I had last taken maternity leave, I knew that it could go by in the blink of an...
As a Prenatal and Mommy & Me Yoga instructor I love supporting women on their journey of motherhood, and postpartum wellness is a passion of mine!  During a new mom’s recovery period, special focus and attention should be placed...
If there is one thing us moms are great at, it's being able to commiserate with one another. We've been through so many of the same things that it's easy to nod, say "mmhmm," and give some witty advice...or...
Mommy shame. It’s been around since the beginning of time, and will probably be around until the end of time. Being a "good mom," I’ve always considered myself someone who would not mommy shame. I say things like "fed...
I used to be a dancer. I danced for about 20 years. I lived to dance. I went to a high school that had an amazing arts program and I danced in the company in school, as well as...
Have you thought about hiring a nanny but aren’t quite sure where to start? Hesitant to pay a hefty agency placement fee but find yourself avoiding too? Have you hired a nanny before and it just didn’t work...
Some bits on breastfeeding: OH HAPPY DAY ERR MONTH: Happy National Breastfeeding Awareness Month to all our breastfeeding mamas (much love to those who choose not to or can't) it's such a beautiful experience. I myself pumped with my first...
The other day I went to a workshop titled “Change” by The Zen Bird. I went because I don’t like change and wanted to see if there were any directional tools I could use to help cope when change...
We all make mistakes as moms or do things we're not proud of. It's so important to stick together and be honest with each other. I'm taking this post to do just that with some honest confessions that I...

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix 2024

Living in Phoenix means our hot HOT summers need to be filled with busy camp days for our kids. Because we know, if we...

Leap Day Deals & Specials

Spring Training Dining Deals

Phoenix Moms Preschool Guide

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