
Lives for sneaking a spoon of peanut butter in the pantry, secret moments with her two girls, and begging for 2 more minutes of a back rub from her husband each night. Nichole is a storyteller, iPhone photographer, mother, coffee drinker, wife, blogger and Behavior Analyst. She struggles daily with the dichotomy of caregiver and breadwinner and the implications in a world still dominated by gender stereotypes. As a breadwinner, she is a Behavior Analyst specializing in Autism and works at a nationally recognized center of excellence near downtown Phoenix. As a caregiver, she specializes in chocolate chip pancakes, play-doh, and styling parties. You can follow her on Instagram - @azlocalliving

Local Living: Get Picking

Last chance Mommas to head on over to Truman Ranch this weekend for citrus picking for the season! Wheelbarrow rides, yanking fruit from trees, a walk with a breeze, citrus fruit, talking about how food...

Local Living: To The Farmers Market

Ellie (3 years old): "Where are we going?" Me: "I told you -  the market." Ellie: "We passed it already!" Me: "Oh . . . yeah. We are going to an outdoor market. Uh. . ....

AZ Adventures: Seeking Snow

"where's the snow?" little miss three asked from the backseat. "a hop skip and a jump away!" I replied.  I know super corny but accurate. we can absolutely not wait for the next round of snow...

Local Living: “Bees’ll Buzz”

"in summer!" So I might be a tad crazy, but maybe not? I am leaning towards not ... I'm always on the hunt for a good deal so that means I start shopping for summer clothes...

Local Living: A Very Frances Christmas

I gathered my fair share of presents at this seasons' fairs boasting locally made products. But I am no where near where I had hoped to be and I'm actively trying to avoid the mall. So...

Local Living: Christmas at the Princess

What are you up to this weekend? For the fourth year, we will be heading to the Fairmont Princess Resort for their Christmas at the Princess festivities. A lovely family dinner on the grounds will be...

Local Living: Got Pie?

Need a pie for Thanksgiving? I've got a solution, but  you have to act fast! Lindsey, owner of Ollie Vaughn's, has got you covered! Ginger Pear. Pumpkin Chiffon. Spicy Chocolate Mousse. Frenet Banana Chocolate. Walnut. Cinnamon Apple. Pecan Bourbon. Pumpkin Leaf. Get your order in by...

Happy Hostess: DIY Napkins

This year our Thanksgiving table will be sporting these updated linen napkins! Materials needed: Linen Napkins Multi-use or Fabric Paint Pencil or Wooden Dowel Foambrush (I wanted jumbo dots - so I used a large foambrush In three easy...

Our Family Stories: Nichole’s Story

November is National Family Stories Month in the United States, and we are sharing a few of our stories with  you this month. Nichole is first up in this Tuesday series, with a story written...

Happy Hostess: Fall Flowers

I adore the start of the holiday season in Phoenix. I begin "airing out" the house if you will. I crack open the windows in the early morning and let the fresh air in, turn...

Local Living: Let’s Hear Those Sleigh Bells. . .

Let's hear those sleigh bells jing a ling . . . anyone? anyone? I can just taste Halloween! And do you know what that means? It's almost the start of the holiday season. So, here is my...

Local Living: Shine is now Rollover Doughnuts + Coffee

I made that typical right hand turn at the State Farm brick building on Vernon right off Central Ave. Thank God my typical parking spot was available or my already challenging morning would have been...

Local Living: Save the Date for AZ Share that You Care

Ok ladies, here is your fair warning to save the date and start saving those pennies! Pineapple Triangle is hosting their AZ Share that You Care market in just a couple of weeks on October...

Local Living: Best Iced Sugar Cookies in the Valley

These iced sugar cookies STOLE.THE.SHOW tonight, hands down beat my best performance of "Hernando Fandango: The Great Dancing Dog" to date! Where did I get them, you ask? Karl's Bakery! Not only are they beautiful, they are...

Local Living: Phoenix Street Style!

Meet Rachel, spotted on 18th Street and Van Buren. In her professional life she is the Clinical Manager and Director of SARRC Community School, an inclusive preschool program for children with autism spectrum disorder and...

Happy Hostess: Outdoor Living

I think I felt a tinge of a chill in the air today! Ok, ok . . . maybe I didn't! But it is September, and I'm preparing for our "fall" season, and nothing...

Local Living: Ollie Vaughn’s

I push the silver handle on the door of Ollie Vaughn's on a daily basis. An Iced Toddy appears almost instantly from the friendly face behind the counter and I begin debate on whether today...

Local Living: Best Lemonade!

It's National Lemonade Day! & of the thousands of sips of lemonade that have been had since I've moved to Phoenix, no other compares to the lemonade found at . . . drumroll please . . . Middle...

Happy Hostess: National Lemonade Day

Happy National Lemonade Day! I absolutely, hands down love lemonade - strawberry, sparkling, honey, mint, a dash of tea - love it all. Well, except maybe the lemonade diet concoction, anyone? Otherwise known as the "master...

Local Living: Modern Manor + JITT = Party!

Today we are talking the latest and greatest happening in your Valley! So, I was on the hunt a little over a month ago for a mid-century starburst clock for an office redo. I was lurking...

Happy Hostess: Playdate Cards – Free Printable

Playdate cards. Annoyingly cute or useful? I can't decide, but I kept it simple, no animals - no pics of my kids - or "I'm Ellie's Mom!" sentiments here. Really it was a utilitarian decision to...

Local Living: Hissyfits

Ready for a secret? I don't tell too many friends, for fear that they might beat me to that coveted pair of black Mini Melissa's or a Peek skirt. But here it is. . . Hissyfits! All...

Happy Hostess: Sadie’s 1st Birthday

I'll begin by saying, a couple of nights before the "big day," I was swearing off big birthday parties! I was hunched over on my knees, scrubbing my baseboards!! I mean . . ....

Local Living: The Henry

Looking for a date night spot? We are so lucky to have some amazing choices in Phoenix, and Sam Fox knows his stuff. You'll get more than good eats when you visit a Fox...

Happy Hostess: Toddler Playdate Ideas for Summer!

Here are three toddler tested playdate themes to keep your little ones engaged during the summer. 1. Gone Fishing! Guess where all the items were purchased? At the dollar store! It is always my first go-to...