Local Living: Phoenix Street Style!


Meet Rachel, spotted on 18th Street and Van Buren.

In her professional life she is the Clinical Manager and Director of SARRC Community School, an inclusive preschool program for children with autism spectrum disorder and their typically developing peers located on the outskirts of downtown Phoenix.

LL PhoenixFashionRachel

Meet Belen, spotted on McDowell at Ollie Vaughn’s. She is a Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Founder of Livin La Vegan. Follow her on Facebook  or Instagram, LivinLaVegan.

LL PhoenixFashionBelen

Meet me . . . or half of me. What is my favorite article of clothing, you ask? SHOES! & my Junk in The Trunk tote. I am officially on the countdown, 11 days until to market I go! Be sure to make it out on Saturday, September 20th, Lindsey & Coley just don’t ever disappoint!


Local Listings.

Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center. 

Livin La Vegan. 

Junk in the Trunk. 



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Lives for sneaking a spoon of peanut butter in the pantry, secret moments with her two girls, and begging for 2 more minutes of a back rub from her husband each night. Nichole is a storyteller, iPhone photographer, mother, coffee drinker, wife, blogger and Behavior Analyst. She struggles daily with the dichotomy of caregiver and breadwinner and the implications in a world still dominated by gender stereotypes. As a breadwinner, she is a Behavior Analyst specializing in Autism and works at a nationally recognized center of excellence near downtown Phoenix. As a caregiver, she specializes in chocolate chip pancakes, play-doh, and styling parties. You can follow her on Instagram - @azlocalliving



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