(Here I am 39 weeks pregnant with my daughter, born in 2009.)
A very wise man once said, "A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come, but as soon as she has given birth...
When I was young, I was the world's worst eater. Seriously. Think having a Pepsi a few times a day (being 6 years old!), endless bags of chips, candy, and one too many Happy Meals! After so many years...
I always enjoy when my children's grandparents, whether it be my parents or my in-laws, come into town for a visit. In our family, visits from grandparents include chatting and catching up of course, but also a chance for...
Life tends to have its ups and downs. Just when you think everything is great, you may be thrown a curve ball. My oldest is 5 and he has just entered his first year of elementary school. He tends...
I write this today, feeling like no longer a mother of an infant, but a full fledged toddler. It changed in an instant it seems, and now I am desperate for tips, tricks, book recommendations. I feel like I...
Do you own your own business? Are you looking to get your name out there?
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West Valley Moms Blog's goal is to get great information into the hands of local moms.
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It's been so fun reading all of the birth stories! My most recent birth story happened to take place almost 16 years ago, which seems so long ago, however; reading all of these great stories took my right back...
I recently celebrated my 29th birthday. I have always loved birthdays. It's so fun to celebrate with the people you love. One thing that I started doing for my birthday now that I'm a mom is getting freebies for...
There seems to be a love-hate relationship when I think about traveling with my daughter, for sure. I love spending time with my family creating fun memories on vacation, but getting to and from there is always an interesting experience. ...
Patience is a topic that keeps coming up over and over for moms with young children. This is definitely one of my major struggles as a parent. My daughter Madeleine is three (“three and a half!” as she will...
The majority of pregnancies with multiples start getting "exciting" much sooner than those of singletons. Because of this, my story needs a little intro leading up to their actual birth. It was definitely a difficult time in my life,...
Before we announce the winner, I wanted to extend a special offer from Malia B Photography! Even if you were not the winner of the newborn session give-a-way, you still can have a chance to have a session with...
Our daughter went to second grade yesterday. It really does just seem like yesterday that I held her scrunchy little newborn self in my arms and couldn’t imagine that time would exist outside that moment. While time escaped us,...
I was due with my second child the day this blog was launched (10 weeks ago to be exact). Honestly, I anticipated this second birth with a good bit of fear and trepidation. My first birth was fast, intense,...
This summer, Ellie (my 3 year old) got to take her first dance class! She dances around the house NON-STOP so I figured it was time ;) I did quite a bit of looking around to find a great...
It was two days before my due date. My belly swollen, feet tired, and that anxiety that only the last few days of pregnancy can bring, I was ready for Elijah, our second born child, to arrive. I had...
OK, where do I begin? I guess I’ll start with a little background on my pregnancy with Ayva first. The first trimester was rough, lots of morning sickness (or what should be called all-the-time sickness). I lost a bit...
Most moms I know call the birth of their children the happiest day of their lives- I can't agree more. I met my older daughter on a beautiful, bright morning in the middle of the most gut wrenching time...
Corbin’s Birth Story
My second baby was born in November 2011. It was a boy, and we’d already picked the name Corbin. I was planning to do a VBAC- my first baby, my daughter Madeleine, had been a scheduled C-section...
I am honored to share my birth story, because even though to me it may seem very "plain" or "normal", I know every birth experience is very different and special to each mother.
I had my son in the hospital....
One of the first big milestones in a baby's life is getting to try real food. As a parent, there are a few options to consider with baby food, with the main one being: Do you buy or make...
Last month I wrote about picking our battles and this month, after successfully completing my first Tough Mudder and bring my oldest the orange headband I promised her, I've decided to offer up 10 ways to win when it...
I'm back again this month with another DIY post. Like I said last month, I am in the beginning stages of updating my house and getting out of boxes. I showed you how to transfer a piece of furniture...
Anyone who follows me on Pinterest has probably noticed the glut of classroom-related pins clogging up their feed (sorry!). It's that time of year again- the weeks of nightmares about class, frantic perusals of Target ads for deals, and...
Just a quick reminder, today is the last day to receive an awesome discount from Dream Photography Studio! Don't miss out!
Stacey did all of our photos for this blog and we couldn't have been happier with the results. She is...