
Eileen has been married to her husband, Eric, an Air Force officer, since 1998. A pharmacist by trade, she worked that gig for ten years until her promotion to full time stay-at-home mom in 2009. Eileen and Eric have one daughter, Little E, who is a feisty little girl obsessed with Octonauts. As a military family, they move every 3-4 years, most recently from Southern Virginia to Arizona. They have lived in the Phoenix area since July 2012 and love the southwest! Hopefully they have found their “forever” home. Eileen’s passions and hobbies include photography, reading, travel, cooking, doing creative projects with her daughter, hiking and working out. She can often be found sipping a latte at Starbucks, looking for the next great read at Barnes and Noble, or browsing Ulta for the latest beauty find.

The Skimm- A Daily Resource for News {review}

Happy Wednesday, everyone! If you are anything like me, you like to stay on top of what is going on in the world, but don't have the time to read CNN throughout the day. I...

Easter Basket fillers-Part 2: Girls

I am not big on filling my daughter's Easter basket or eggs with candy. She gets plenty of that stuff elsewhere (Hello, Easter package from Grandma!) and generally I try to watch the amount...

“Dos and Don’ts” of Moving

Hello Moms of the West Valley! Today I am going to talk about something we have all done and maybe dread a little-moving! My husband has been in the Air Force now for 22...

Pinterest Hit or Miss: Blender Muffins

I don't know about you all but breakfast is becoming something of a challenge in my house. My daughter will be perfectly fine eating the same thing every day for a while, and then...

Birthday Craft!

  My baby turns FIVE this week, which seems both absolutely impossible and entirely realistic. I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday, and yet five years ago feels like another lifetime!   When...

Valentine’s Day Kids’ Craft Roundup

Hello Everyone! It's February and the month of LOVE! We wanted to share some fun kids' crafts we've been doing. February is turning out to be a very busy month for us,  with my...

Pinterest Hit or Miss? Shadow Box

Hello, friends! This month on Pinterest Hit or Miss I tackle a shadow box. I actually pinned this before my daughter started ballet last year and I knew I had to try it out....

Christmas and Winter Craft Roundup

Hello Everyone! Happy Holidays!  My daughter and I want to share with you some of the Christmas and winter crafts we have been doing. We enjoyed doing these while listening to Christmas music. It...

Pinterest: Hit or Miss? Thanksgiving Banner

This week on Pinterest: Hit or Miss, we try our hand at making a banner for Thanksgiving. I have banners that I hang up in our dining room for my daughter's birthday, Christmas and...

Thanksgiving Kids’ Craft Roundup

Hi there! My daughter and I wanted to share with you some of the fun Thanksgiving crafts we have done together these past few weeks. Thanksgiving is perhaps my favorite holiday. I love having...

Making Memories, one second at a time

I am always looking for ways to capture the small moments in our life. My main way to do this is through photography. A few years ago I did a 365 photo project with...

Halloween Craft Roundup

I love doing crafts with my daughter, Little E. We especially love crafts that are tied to holidays. Halloween crafts are particularly fun. They are easy, and there are so many great ideas out...

Pinterest: Hit or Miss? Orange Julius Protein Smoothie

Introducing a new regular column on the West Valley Moms Blog! Each month we will take an idea from Pinterest, try it out and let you know if it is worth your time.. or...