My baby turns FIVE this week, which seems both absolutely impossible and entirely realistic. I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday, and yet five years ago feels like another lifetime!
When I saw this craft on Pinterest I wanted to do it with her to celebrate this milestone. One fun thing about having a “big girl” is doing crafts with her. She really enjoys them. And this girl never met a cupcake she didn’t like!
We made some puffy paint by mixing approximately equal amounts of shaving cream and glue in a bag. This is a really neat homemade paint to make-very easy and a great texture for the kids. I added a few drops of red food coloring to make the “frosting” pink. Then she got to squishing!
Next I put the paint into a bowl (as much as I wanted to use the ziploc bag as a “pastry bag”, I could see we were headed for a messy disaster and decided to do it the neat way instead). She laid the frosting on very thick. We used a foam craft sheet for the bottom of the cupcake. And, yes, that’s a friendly stuffed cupcake watching this process.
The next step was sprinkles. There was no way she was going to let me forget this! She loves any kind of sprinkle-the real kind and the sparkly sequin kind.
Finally the candles! We used straws with pipe cleaners inserted for the “flames”. She stuck them in the frosting.
And that’s our cupcake! E loved doing this craft and I loved doing it with her! We let the cupcake dry overnight and it dried to a nice puffy texture.
I am so proud of my big girl and all that she has done! I can’t wait to see what the next years bring. It is bittersweet seeing her grow up; I know all the mamas can relate. But I am so thankful that I was blessed with her five years ago. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!!