Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger

Community Care

We all love a feel-good story. The kind where we find ourselves smiling and celebrating in our minds for the ones whose lives are better, and cheering on those who made it happen! A...
time blocking

Time Blocking for some Mom Sanity While Crisis Schooling

“There is never enough time.” “I cannot do it all.” “Time flies.” “I wish time would slow down.” As a mom, it feels like you are either pulled in a million directions all at once and may be...
online oceans

Online Oceans: A New Resource During School Closures

Parents facing the new reality of weeks at home with the kids should check out Online Oceans, the new ocean literacy resource for kids aged 2-18 from educators at Vancouver-based Ocean Wise Conservation Association...

Tools to Help Kids Navigate Illness: A Professional Weighs In

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about the amount of information coming out about COVID-19 and the speed at which it’s coming, you are definitely not alone. As a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Phoenix Children’s...

What to do if Your Kids Have Lice…

The kids are back to school and the temps are kind of cooling down (hooray for making it through the long, hot summer), but now we have to worry about all the germs and...
kids and gadgets

Kids and Gadgets: Looking for Pros

The life of a modern person no longer appears without such things as a tablet, phone, computer. Children, watching the lives of adults, begin to be interested in gadgets from diapers: since mom and...
self-tanner during pregnancy

Can I Use Self-Tanners During Pregnancy

Pregnant and wondering if it's safe to use self-tanning products? This guide will address if self-tanners are safe enough for pregnant women, what to look for when shopping for self-tanner, and a list of...
blankets for babies at the border

Mom and Son Provide Blankets for Babies at the Border

Like many of you, I recently heard about the horrible conditions of many asylum-seeking migrant children detained at the Southern U.S. border. These include little-to-no access to soap, toothbrushes, water, food, medical care, beds...

Hiring a Nanny and Getting it Right the First Time

Have you thought about hiring a nanny but aren’t quite sure where to start? Hesitant to pay a hefty agency placement fee but find yourself avoiding too? Have you hired a nanny before...

Snap YOURSELFie Photo Booth {sponsored post}

Are you planning a birthday party, wedding or summer bbq? We want to introduce you to one of our amazing vendors from Bloom! Meet Kristy Bryant from Snap YOURSELFie. Kristy owns and operates this awesome...

Car Safety Seat Confusion: Advice from The Auto Professor

Keeping our children safe in cars is probably one of the most important health-related issues that parents, grandparents and caregivers face. From the moment we take our newborn on their first car ride until...

Preparing Your Teen Driver: Sage Advice from The Auto Professor

Handing the car keys to your teenager for the first time can be downright scary. I know. It happened to me! Not only did I have to trust my new teen driver behind the...

Arizona PBS’s Kids Day Event is February 16th!

Hey Phoenix Moms! Save the date for Arizona PBS’s KIDS Day coming up on Saturday, February 16. You and your kids are invited to meet your favorite PBS KIDS characters for a day of activities,...

Should you stay together for the kids?

I wish I could tell you there is a checklist or system to follow. Organization is what helps comfort me when I have to make decisions. But this is messy, it’s difficult, and not...

Friends of the Opposite Sex When You’re Married?

Where is the line with friends of the opposite sex when you’re married? This topic has come up recently with some of my friends. I’ve posed this question to a number of people and...

Yes, I Made My Husband Get a Vasectomy!

Okay, I should clarify; I didn't make my husband (a grown man), do anything to his body that he didn't want done.  However,  I did have to convince him hardcore about the benefits of...

The Sad Truth About School Shootings… From a Teacher

I've been contemplating on how to start this post all day. The shooting that recently occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida was horrific to say the least, and as a mom...

6 Natural Remedies You Need to Have for Cold and Flu Season

I dread when my kids get sick. The crying, fussiness and sleep deprivation is enough to drive me mad. Having one child in school and sending another to daycare means I'm in a constant...

Say No to the Good to Say Yes to the Best

Pouring from an empty cup. The journey into deep self-love and our profound craving for connection. For two decades I prided myself on being generous, giving and always available to share advice, lend a hand...

Motherhood Showed Me How to Love and Accept Myself

Think of motherhood. Has it changed you?  As a mother, my initial thoughts were about all the giggles, hiccups, and baby kisses. There are countless blessings that come with having a child, whether it...

How to Host a Fun, Modern Day Potluck

There's no more intimate gesture than inviting someone into your home for a meal. And now that everyone's back from summer vacation and school is starting, you’re probably craving some time to reconnect with...

It’s Time for Arizona to Wake up and Stop Distracted Driving

Did you know that Arizona is only one of two states that does not have a ban on texting while driving?! The only state law on the subject is a ban for bus drivers.  Really? Last month, our...

Spring Astronomy Day | Shooting for the Moon

If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent many hours daydreaming about space travel; maybe you’ve even considered home décor for retirement on Mars. So, when I heard of an opportunity to watch the Orion...

How to Change the Conversation About Health, Beauty, and Body Image | Circles of...

I want to offer our community an invitation to the Circles of Change Conference. This is an invitation to not only find peace with your own body and self, but to find a way...

A Return to Affordable, Quick and Easy Family Medicine

Ark Family Health - A New Kind of Medical Clinic Angie knows that the last appointment at her doctor's office is 4pm.  It’s 4:30pm and her daughter Emma has a fever and a sore throat. ...