
Jacqueline is an Arizona native, married to her high school sweetheart, and mama to a sweet, almost two year old girl. As a Prenatal and Mommy & Me Yoga instructor at Modern Milk, she is passionate about making health and fitness accessible to every mom. Don't let the "healthy" part fool you though, as she's never one to turn down dessert (preferably chocolate!). She enjoys reading, family hikes, extra large iced green teas (no sugar and light on the ice!), and is a big believer in the power of positive thinking.

Why My Husband is the Only One in the Delivery Room

Photo Credit: Jumping Cholla Photography When I was pregnant for the first time four years ago, like most first time moms, I spent a considerable amount of time during my pregnancy thinking about my ideal...
cool down with breakfast

Cool Down with These 3 Easy, Healthy Breakfast Recipes

I’ll admit it, I’m one of those people who loves summertime in Arizona. As a lifelong Phoenician, I love when the snowbirds head home and our city becomes a little slower and quieter. Sure,...

How to Celebrate Galentine’s Day with Your Friends

Valentine's Day will always hold a special place in my heart, as it's when my husband asked me to be his "official" girlfriend (we were 16 at the time!). But as I get older...

How to Keep the Holiday Cheer Going Through the New Year

The tree has been put out on the curb, the lights have been taken down, and the kids are still recovering from the cookie sugar rush, but are not yet back in school. It’s...

Being Grateful, Easy Ways To Teach Children About Gratitude

The holiday season has begun! The hustle and bustle of traditions, traveling, gift giving and food preparation makes this season seem like a blur. However, one thing I slow down and focus on during...

Savoring the Last of the Summer Memories

Well it happened. Fall is here. World Market released their new Pumpkin Spice coffee beans, saying "it's never too early to enjoy fall flavors." I've already seen Christmas decorations up at Hobby Lobby, and...

Meditation and Its Benefits for Mamas + Win FREE Classes!

As a yoga instructor and someone who is pretty into health and fitness, I feel a bit ashamed to say that I have never included meditation in my wellness routine. The recent studies on...

The Best Books to Read This Summer

Growing up,  my sister and I would always participate in the annual "summer reading challenge" at our local library, and it's one of my favorite summer memories!  I've carried this love of reading into adulthood...

I’m Really Scared to be Pregnant Again

I absolutely love being a mom. The last 2.5 years have been some of the best of my life,  and I feel both blessed and lucky that I have a happy, healthy daughter. In fact,...

The Worst Advice Given to New Moms

Enjoy every second. It all goes by so fast!” All of us have probably heard some variation of this quote from the moment we became mothers. And we were probably given this unsolicited advice at our...

Going Unplugged :: This Mom Takes on the Challenge

In honor of The National Day of Unplugging, I agreed to go off the grid for a full 48 hours! No email, Internet, Facebook, text messages, Instagram, Pinterest, phone calls, mindless website browsing, or...

Where Will Your Mox Shoes Take You? {EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT CODE}

Like most moms, I wear about a zillion hats a day: Wife, Mom, Yoga Instructor, Small Business Owner, Toddler Negotiator (ha!) ... the list goes on and on! Needless to say, I'm always on...

Radical Self Love :: Amazing Ways You Can Love and Accept Yourself

February is the month of L O V E! And, although that usually means Valentine’s Day and celebrating your significant other, I am going to offer an alternative cultural tradition: radical self love! What if...

In Defense of the New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s Resolution - a phrase you either love, or hate.  I fall into the “love" category and look forward to the fresh start of a New Year! On January 1st, memes will pop up...

A Simple Christmas: The Gift of Four

'Tis the season for giving, which can equate to a season of stress and spending too much money! Since we’ve embarked on a financial freedom journey, I am sticking to minimal, yet meaningful, gift...

Mommy Favorites from Costco + An Amazing Membership Offer and Event!

In the two years that I have been a mom, Costco has quickly become my new BFF and has actually replaced Target (gasp!) as my go to place to shop for my family. We...

How To Achieve Financial Freedom :: The “Plan” {Part 3}

Finishing off our Financial Freedom series with the final installment: How To Achieve Financial Freedom: The "Plan" {Part 3} If you missed the first two parts, check The “Why” {Part 1} and  The “How” {Part 2}. Hopefully, you’ve...

How To Achieve Financial Freedom :: The “How” {Part 2}

Last week I shared with you How To Achieve Financial Freedom :: The “Why” {Part 1}. If you haven’t read it yet, check it out first, and then come back to get more tips to...

How To Achieve Financial Freedom :: The “Why” {Part 1}

Budgeting. Debt. Finances. Have you started sweating yet? If you’re like most people, you are probably feeling uncomfortable just reading those words. Money can be a tough subject for most people, and throw in marriage and...

How to Get a Workout in AND Have Childcare Covered

This may sound a bit simplified, but getting a workout in is how I remain a sane and happy mom. Anybody else with me on that?  The mixture of endorphins, plus sweating out all my worries, gives...

How To Successfully Be a Work From Home Mom

Since becoming a mom two years ago, I’ve juggled a few different career paths while trying to figure out the best fit for our family and lifestyle.  I’ve worked at home for a 40-hour a...

The Best Postpartum Products For All New Moms

As a Prenatal and Mommy & Me Yoga instructor I love supporting women on their journey of motherhood, and postpartum wellness is a passion of mine!  During a new mom’s recovery period, special focus...