
Coral is a young married broad from Phoenix and a new crunchy granola mama to the prettiest blue eyed girl. She is a very passionate writer who loves to share her stories and adventures about being a mom and traveling the world. She has a knack for the fine arts; loves to sing, play piano and dance. She is also studying at ASU to become a therapist and has a passion to use music and art as a process of healing. She is an artist and enjoys doing anything with a paint brush! DIY is her life and she loves the challenge of taking on something new. She just starting writing her first novel as well as working on illustrations for her first children’s book!
how to enjoy your husband

How to Enjoy Your Husband

Let's get real for a second. Being a mom of children of any age makes it very hard to enjoy your husband the way you did when there were no kids around. I don't...

How to Become a Minimalist and Love Your Life

I didn't choose the minimalist life, the minimalist life chose me. I met my husband when I was seven years old. By the time I was 12 I made it known that I would marry...

Food’s Important Role in the Struggle with Anxiety and Depression

It seems like food has always had a negative effect on my body. From a young age I remember telling my parents that hot dogs gave me headaches.  My family chalked it up to...

How to Take a Baby to the Beach

Recently I broke free from the Arizona heat and made the trip to to the west coast to lounge on the beach. (More like stop my daughter from eating every grain of sand on...

Top 10 Things to Do This Fall in Arizona

Fall is finally here! And let's all admit it, it's the best time of the year. Fall means it is time to bust out those comfy sweaters and enjoy the outdoors, delicious food, and...

How to Consciously Work at Making Memories

Memories are what make us who we are. They shape us, mold us, help us make decisions, can make us laugh, and make us cry. Memories are so important to us. They are part...

Tired, Alone, Stressed, Hopeful… To Mothers Everywhere

We have all had the days ... the days where you feel like you're going to wake up and conquer the world, and, well, it just doesn't go that way. AT ALL.  I had...

When Should You Stop Testing for Pregnancy?

Getting pregnant can be hard. I can hear the laughter of those who know I got pregnant with Melody the first time I did "the deed" on my wedding night. Fast forward to the...

The Best Arizona Vacation to Take with Kids

We recently took a family vacation in and around Arizona and it was amazing! Be sure to read my recent post on how to travel with kids here, because this is the perfect vacation...

Tips on How to Travel the World With Kids

I am that typical, wanderlust filled chick. I am the woman that would get a tattoo of the world, or the mountains, or ocean, or all three! I love traveling. My husband and I...

5 of the Best Family Friendly Restaurants to Get a Drink

I finally turned 21 last month. Something I have been looking forward to my whole entire life. Not just because I can finally accept a glass of wine when offered at a party. But...

Valentine’s Day :: Love Letters to My True Loves

My Dear Husband,  I can remember our first Valentine's Day so perfectly. I remember that I wore a black dress and I curled my hair. I remember that I made you a heart shaped pizza, with...

Adulting Is Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

My whole life, I felt like I never fit into my age group. I have a few good friends that are around my same age, but for the most part I felt drawn to adults,...

Busy Moms, I See You, And I Know It’s Hard

Hello. I'm Coral and I'm insane.  At least that's how I feel. I went from being the organization queen to drowning in my own sea of laundry. Let me ask you, how does someone who...

How to Spend Less and Stress Less for the Holidays

Spend Less and Stress Less  Christmas is barreling towards us faster than we expected. To everyone's surprise ... we fell asleep on December 26th of last year feeling relieved that we survived another Christmas. Then...