
Charlie Allred is mom to twin daughters Ceci and Edi, a Scottsdale real estate broker and a type 1 diabetic. She loves helping her clients find the best home for their family to grow and thrive. She sees diabetes as a blessing because it helps her live her healthiest ? She loves most things vintage, clean eating, working out (to help her sanity), making check lists and shopping at Anthropologie. She believes in being realistic in life and will never tell anyone motherhood is all unicorns and rainbows!
healthy reset

Healthy Reset {Spring Break Leave You Feeling Guilty for Overindulging?}

Maybe you are like most of us that make New Year's resolutions or goals and then by the time March hits, maybe even sooner, they have been forgotten. I know I super indulged over...

Why I Am (and You Can Be) Thrilled Babyhood Is Over

There are some people who possess the baby whisperer quality, but I somehow missed that one. I have friends who just couldn't wait to have another baby to cuddle and wear in a baby...

The steps I told my kids to deal with mean kids kindly

Now that my girls are in the 2nd grade we are finding out that some kids tend to be plain mean. I'm not saying when they were younger kids weren't mean, but now it...

I’m pretty sure I’m Failing the Balancing Act of Working at Home

I’m pretty sure I'm failing at my working at home balance. It never fails, as I sit down to do work, one of my children ‘needs’ something!! I think my husband said it best, “How do...

Is Summer Camp the Best Decision for Your Family?

Oh, the summer camp struggle. I have such mixed feelings about it. Last summer, in my idealistic world, I thought that I wouldn’t sign up for any camps and my girls would play all day,...

Does “It’s Not Fair” Make You Cringe Too?

How often do your kiddos say?  It’s not fair! It’s driving me insane!!  All of the sudden, my two almost 7 year old daughters are saying it. ALL THE TIME. My normal response is usually,  Life’s not...

The Best Arizona Tees for a Local Loving Mom

I love my AZ shirts. I especially love the local companies making them. I'm a native Phonecian, so I've always had Arizona pride. Even when I was in college in San Diego, I had...

When You Get Pushed Around by Your Kids

Now that my twins are in 1st grade, they are getting accustomed to the school schedule.  It starts in the morning: they eat, get dressed, brush their teeth, put their shoes on, pack up...

This Year I’m Not Momming So Hard

While volunteering at the 1st grade Christmas party not too long in the distance past, I was chatting with a few moms when this flew out of my mouth: Why did I try so...

Top 5 Things I Love About You

Let me start by talking about my dear friend, Heather. She is probably the most fun, loving friend out there. She is gracious, a joy to be around and is always helping her friends...

Do I Really Need to Have My Kids in Sports?

I may have a little attitude. I may like to win, so what?  I hope my kids have the same fire inside of them and I hope we can help them find their fires!...

My Kids Really Do Have a 7 pm Bedtime and Here Is Why

A 7pm bedtime… what?! I’m sure you are thinking I’m crazy! And you know what, I just may be... But I seriously I love 7pm bedtime for my kids. I’ve always been pretty scheduled in...

How to Easily Make Gratitude a Part of Your Daily Life

Parenting can be tough and tiring, but there are also many joys.  The problem is sometimes the joys can be overshadowed by all the hard work, especially in the first years.  One of my...

To All the New Moms (of Multiples), It Will Get Better!

My twin daughters are big kindergarteners now, but I remember the days where I thought I would never make it their first birthday.  For the most part I have forgotten these memories of life...

Why It Is Helpful to Treat Your Kids Like They Are Adults

Growing up I always wanted to be a mom.  I just knew it was part of my life calling.  Then we decided to have a baby, and at 6 weeks pregnant we got the...

Mom Confidence … Do You Have it or Struggle With it?

Having twins has by far been one of the most challenging life events for me, mostly to my self esteem.  When they were born, I was a new person: a mom.  And not only...

Want to Win 4 Tickets to See Odd Squad Live?

This is very exciting news! Odd Squad Live is coming to Phoenix!!!  My twin daughters are kindergarteners and able to play by themselves, but when they were younger I was happy to get 10 minutes...

5 Simple Ways You Can Eat Clean + Keep Your Goals

The holidays bring all sorts of goodies and food that we don't normally eat.  Our family tends to eat pretty clean, however, it started with fudge from a friend, then cinnamon rolls from an aunt and...

Thoughtful Holiday Gifts That Are Sure to Be Loved

I love gift giving.  Well, let me clarify ... I love thoughtful gift giving which can make the process of selecting gifts pretty challenging, especially with people I've known my whole life.  I also love online...

Why We Refuse To Do Elf On the Shelf

Prior to being a parent, I would see my friend's posts with funny photos of Elf on the Shelf, and it seemed like a delightful tradition. However, once I was a parent I realized...

Holiday Bliss :: How to Achieve Relaxation With Yoga

In grade school, all of my friends' birthdays seemed to land in October and November.  My birthday is November 5th, so I had to be careful to try and plan my birthday party on...

Local Love :: The Best Halloween Decor Finds in Town

We are excited to share our local Phoenix Halloween Decor finds with you... to make shopping local easy peasy. A few weeks ago (I’m fairly certain it was around September 20th), my mom came over to...